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Mil-Spec 00 Buck for home defense or what?


Copper BB
live in an apartment with tenants on either side and above me. what is the recommended load for home defense? somewhat new to this, but rather ask people more experienced then assume.
Folks with close neighbors such as apartments and condo's or even most single home developments are really in a bind when it comes to HD weapons/ammo. The problem being that anything powerful enough to stop an intruder will penetrate quite a few layers of sheetrock/plywood, etc. That's just the physics of it. Take a look at this test (several pages - scroll down ) :


I've even penetrated 6" of yellow pine with a .22 magnum.

Don't expect the gun/ammo to make up for a lack of accuracy on the shooters part. In other words, Don't Miss!
Do building codes where you live require double-layer sheetrock on both sides of separating walls?
Good point nitesite. By me some building and fire codes require cement block fire walls between apartments.
The thing with current codes, if it's an older apartment, would not have to be updated to comply with new building reg's, so that isn't much help even if they do now require double sheetrock and concrete between them now.

I'm not sure what to recommend for living in an Apartment.

Although the "don't miss" statement is great advice, is still no guarantee's that the shot won't fully penetrate the target and still cause collateral damage either, so that should still be a consideration.

I assume that slugs would be entirely out of the question.
I was merely implying that it might be worth a call to the apartment manager or the fire department, without raising the firearms aspect behind the question. :)
i do have some Winchester PDX1 12 Defender. It has a 1oz rifled slug followed by 3 copper platted 00 Buck pellets. Just kinda figured the slug might do most the penetrating.
If you don't leave the confines of an apartment, the Mil-Spec 00 Buck load from Winchester is proably GTG. The little extra spread between the pellets at short range can be a good thing as far as hitting your intended target as well as not stacking up tight if a complete miss hits a wall.
Buy one set of body armor and let the neighbors do a weekly rotation.....its like musical body armor, when the gunfire stops whoever has the body armor on wins
AaronsARMOSS500 said:
i do have some Winchester PDX1 12 Defender. It has a 1oz rifled slug followed by 3 copper platted 00 Buck pellets. Just kinda figured the slug might do most the penetrating.

Well if you're worried about penetration the PDX definitely isn't your best choice. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the top manufacturers 00 offerings.
No matter what you decide on loading up with, it all comes down to knowing your gun and knowing your surroundings. Practice practice practice. ,,,,,,and remember most home invasions happen at night in the dark.
oli700 said:
Buy one set of body armor and let the neighbors do a weekly rotation.....its like musical body armor, when the gunfire stops whoever has the body armor on wins

:D :D Take care. Tom Worthington