• Mossberg Owners is in the process of upgrading the software. Please bear with us while we transition to the new look and new upgraded software.

Search results

  1. Bobster

    Good morning

    @CaddmannQ PS: read the fine print... :)
  2. Bobster

    Good morning

    I hate to break this to you but MC Cable is not waterproof/watertight. You need "liquitite" or whatever they call it nowadays. Or plastic conduit. And the special fittings to go along with it. I know this because 1) I get publications for electrical contractors and know a bit about code and 2) I...
  3. Bobster

    WTB - 930 rifled barrel

    Ebay or Gunbroker would be my first stops. Then Midway or any of the other suppliers. Maybe zamazom? Have you tried Mossberg directly? Searching the actual part number may yield better results...
  4. Bobster

    Post Your EDC Blade

    In case anyone was wondering if it folds (I was...).
  5. Bobster

    Mossy 590 in the Military

    GT is a sellout. He incorporates (or used to) shilling the M&M slip-n-fall ambulance chaser firm IN HIS VIDEOS! As part of his content! A few other guntoobers have done the same and get treated the same by me: I unsub first of all, then I thumbs down ANY vids that happen to come across my feed...
  6. Bobster

    Good morning

    Looks good to me. :) A rule of thumb for fit-up should be the gap is not larger than the filler being used.
  7. Bobster

    Dead Voters Purged

    I believe the minimum penalty for voting fraudulently should be immediate bussing to the Mexican side of the border and/or at least one year in prison. Citizen or Illegal Invader--doesn't matter... ;)
  8. Bobster

    Good morning

    Someone was selling a floorpan on my local marketplace and had this for the picture. In case anyone is wondering what you are working on... :)
  9. Bobster

    Direct from the DNC!

    I see nothing bad coming of this... ;) ...except maybe more assassination attempts... :eek:
  10. Bobster

    Direct from the DNC!

    More like SHAMala. Or Kumhola... :rolleyes:
  11. Bobster

    Good morning

    There have been people saying the Tesla rigs are "hard on roads" and that is certainly plausible. The tractor is about 8000lbs heavier than a comparable fully-fueled, diesel-powered tractor. And only about a 500mi range at 60mph which drops considerably at higher speeds.
  12. Bobster


    My guess would be PG-only guns like the Shockwave or your Maverick with ONLY a pistol-grip.
  13. Bobster

    Good morning

    It is funny how a person can interpret a picture. ;) I'm seeing the Creature from the Black Lagoon in one of them! :D
  14. Bobster

    Kansan competes in Olympic trapshooting - 5th this year.

    Under-reported/presented by slimedia but still probably THE best Olympic events... ;) LINK
  15. Bobster

    Good morning

    Having a welder comes in handy for around-the-house fixes. I've fixed fridge ice-maker augers, metal bar stool tubes and dozens of other things that I can't remember at the moment...
  16. Bobster

    Good morning

    Ready for some power shifting now! ;)
  17. Bobster

    pictures that make you lol

    That IS a thing now in a couple FREE states... LINK Definitely NOT coming to a store near you in CA, sorry... :(
  18. Bobster

    Good morning

    You can see how well they hold up to gunfire in this video. :D Plus see how they are constructed as they deconstruct the H1 in question...
  19. Bobster

    Good morning

    This is funny as I am drinking a brand new one... :)
  20. Bobster

    Good morning

    Congrats and Condolences... ;)