A little pricey, and somewhat vague on whether it fits the Shockwave.
I don't understand this "action tube" length measurement and don't see how the shockwave can have...
I don't believe there is a heatshield for the Shockwave. You can fiddle around with one for a 500 and sorta make it fit, but it isn't ideal because it isn't designed for the shockwave.
LOL wasn't directed at your company- just the general accessories industry (and Mossberg).
I love the two products I got- the strap and the cartridge adapter.
My green laser sidesaddle appeared to be dead.... again. Crimson Trace replaced my original after it died, and the customer service was great.
Fast-forward eight months or so and I try to turn it on and it's dead. I picked up four more 2016 button cells when I was in Home Depot. Later the...
Defender Tactical makes an adapter that will feed any length shell, even a mixture of different length shells.
Mine arrived and installation commenced.
For some reason the trigger group refused to go back in, but nothing to do it with the adapter. Something was catching and it was spongy and...
Seems Mossberg has developed a a new shockwave that will feed different length shells without an adapter.
Does anyone know how this works and can mine be retrofit to do this?
My Laser Saddle appears to be dead. New batteries installed, and the battery compartment was clean when I changed them, but the thing ain't turning on.
At least they have a good warranty.
As I was fitting the sidesaddle into place it suddenly occurred to me that my oversize safety might not work.
No worries, the folks at Crimson Trace had the foresight to make the safety hole in the sidesaddle generous enough to accommodate aftermarket safeties.
Here's the pic. Lighting is...
The green laser saddle showed up today and I had it installed in 15 minutes. Aligned the dot with the bore-site at about 25 yards for now, and will fine tune it when I can get to the pit to shoot it.
I had to remove the small pistol laser from the front of my shockwave because it was jamming my thumb so painfully I couldn't fire more than a few shells.
I've just ordered this in green as a solution. CT has a very generous military pricing program, and there's a rebate going on right now.
I finally got time to take the shockwave out for some practice and patterning.
Winchester 12 GAUGE, 2¾", 1250 Velocity, 16 pellets #1 BUCK
First Pic is 10 yards
Second pic is 20 yards
The good news is I REALLY like #1 buck, and my home shotguns will be loaded with this round.
The bad...
The big issue with the laser, and more so on side mounted lasers, is the offset from the bore. I pointed my 12ga boresighter at an object 10' away and lined up the Crimson Trace laser to the same point. Now a target 30' away shows the dots are separated by a pretty good gap (I've long...