If you want to use this same logic on everything that happens then if someone driving under the influence kills someone with their car, then why don't they ban cars....thats how stupid their point is with guns.
I have no need or use for an AR style weapon
As far as ARs,AKs, etc. I don’t have any problem with them. They are fun to shoot. If my brother’s estate hadn’t done any research of gun values, his Norinko would be hanging on my bedroom wall right now. Of the 6 house’s closest to mine, 4 have AR and AKs in the rack, several custom built by the 5th house. I don’t advocate banning, confiscation, forced voluntary surrender or any of that other crap. I like guns, every adult in my family and extended family is a gun owner. What I also don’t have a problem with, is expanded background checks, logical waiting periods, age limitations and verifiable red flag situations. They don’t deny ownership of a gun to a person who meets the criteria, but I feel they do give a person some time to reflect on what they are really doing it for. It’s not gonna stop thieves or criminals from getting a gun, or any of the rest of us. It may slow down the kid who’s girlfriend dumped him and now she’s gotta pay, or some loner or some nut job in general. But of course, like everything in life, we are all never gonna agree on everything. I try to respect other’s positions. They lived somewhere where guns were an every day thing. Their parents instilled beliefs in them about god and country and guns, that would not be a consideration somewhere else. That’s cool. But personally I get a little tired of the blanket grouping, be it demoncrat or repubtard, that shows up so frequently in discussions of this nature. I try to believe that not all democrats support old Joe, just as I believe that 45s my way or the highway is not good for the rest of that party. There, I said it..And I'm sure you are not the only one who feels this way. I didn't have my first AR until probably 10 years ago. Didn't think I had a need. Then I got one for cheap and said "this is kind of cool" and bought a serialized receiver and built my own. Ammo was reasonable for them, as well. If I had the time, I'd probably be into 3-gun.
Same thing went for shotguns, too--didn't think I had a need as I wasn't a hunter. I WANT to go hunting, I just don't have the time or someone close willing to take me.
But as I've matured (is that even possible? ) and become more aware of the political "system", it is apparent the power-brokers want uncontested control over the masses, either through indoctrination or subjugation. You can see this even today in a room full of masked politicians in various country's Parliaments. CV was a "test" and the unarmed lemmings complied wonderfully. I can see their end game and it will not end until everyone is entirely disarmed.
So OK, everyone in the US dutifully turns in (you can stop laughing now) their ARs, AKs, .50BMGs, .338Lapuas, x.xCreedmores, 10/22s, 590s, Auto-5s, hi-cap mags, body armor, etc., etc. and anything else that could be called an "Assault Weapon" or "Weapon of War". Then of course handguns, probably all of them. Now what? Probably the NEXT guns to be collected will be those dangerous "Sniper Rifles" with the ability to kill from a mile away! You know, the guns you have in the safe waiting for the next hunt. Then it will be pump shotguns because of their destructive force and ability to kill dozens at a time . So you MUST NOT be willing to give up one type of gun, just because they don't want your type. It will only be a matter of time.
There should be NO COMPROMISE from your elected officials on this. My senators claim to support 2A, yet they are on the red-flag bandwagon. As long as the Republicans don't snatch defeat from the hands of victory, Bidet will be impeached in 2023. But if those weinies compromise and give us up, then people like me may not even go to the polls this November...
I totally understand this point of view but it's part of what has led us to this point. "I don't really care cuz it doesn't affect me." Believe me, one day it will. Maybe not for you but for your kids or grand-kids. I've never understood why a duck or deer hunter without any personal need for an AR wouldn't support the rights of sport shooter to own one. And, stand firmly on the principle that a gun is a gun no matter what it looks like or how it functions. It's just semantics. They all go bang and are just as deadly in the hands of a determined criminal.I saw an article regarding this also. I have no need or use for an AR style weapon, had my fill in the military, but I would prefer enhanced background checks to weed out the worst of the riffraff, probably because I know it wouldn't affect me when I buy a new weapon. What really concerned me was in another article, where they espoused the same 1000% on ammo. That would hit all gun owners, not just sport rifleman.
C, the part that doesn’t affect me or you is being law abiding, legal age, able to easily pass the proposed new rules, when and if they come. I have no problem with sport shooters wanting or owning any kind of weapon, just because I can’t afford to plink with a Barrett 50 doesn’t mean nobody else can.lol I think this is how most of these discussions start and sometimes end badly, the inability to put into words, a thought or opinion, that leaves no question where the person stands on the subject. Hell, my wife and kids can’t get a read on me most of the time.I totally understand this point of view but it's part of what has led us to this point. "I don't really care cuz it doesn't affect me." Believe me, one day it will. Maybe not for you but for your kids or grand-kids. I've never understood why a duck or deer hunter without any personal need for an AR wouldn't support the rights of sport shooter to own one. And, stand firmly on the principle that a gun is a gun no matter what it looks like or how it functions. It's just semantics. They all go bang and are just as deadly in the hands of a determined criminal.
I totally understand this point of view but it's part of what has led us to this point. "I don't really care cuz it doesn't affect me." Believe me, one day it will. Maybe not for you but for your kids or grand-kids. I've never understood why a duck or deer hunter without any personal need for an AR wouldn't support the rights of sport shooter to own one. And, stand firmly on the principle that a gun is a gun no matter what it looks like or how it functions. It's just semantics. They all go bang and are just as deadly in the hands of a determined criminal.