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Acronyms and Initials


The Original Sheriff
Global Moderator
Yep, Acronyms and Initials! LOL!

Whats the "AK" stand for in AK47? Any takers?
How about FTF/FTE?

So, it was suggested we have a place to look up the meaning of the acronyms we use so commonly we don't even really think about it, like its normal conversation but really only odd balls like us get.

I remember being way more nOObish than I am now and having no clue what the heck folks were talking about, and I'm like, "Oh yeah? OK, cool! Thanks!" , Then I go look it up real quick and realize I just agreed to being called a jack ass.

So lets get some easy ones goin, and help me fill in the blanks, cool?

AAC-----------------Advanced Armament Corporation
ACP-----------------Automatic Colt Pistol (.45 ACP, .32 ACP)
ACOG---------------Advanced Combat Optical Gun sight
ACR-----------------Advanced Combat Rifle
AD------------------Accidental Discharge
ADS-----------------Aiming Down Sights
AFG-----------------Angled Fore Grip, as in the MAgpul AFG
AK------------------Avtomat (Automatic) Kalashnikov (some Russian guy :) )
AKA-----------------Also Known As
AOW----------------All Other Weapons
AP------------------Armor Piercing
AP------------------Automatic Pistols
AR------------------ArmaLite (aka Assault Rifle)
ATI-----------------Advanced Technology International
ATS-----------------Automated Targeting System
AWB----------------Assault Weapons Ban (aka the Democrats Stupidest Idea ever; A Weapons Ban 1994 Preban Firearm or magazine or accessory made prior to Sept. 13, 1994, Post ban Firearm or magazine or accessory made after Sept. 13, 1994 to Sept 13, 2004)
BUIS----------------Back Up Iron Sights
BATFE---------------Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Or most commonly the ATF)
BCG-----------------Bolt Carrier Group
BDC-----------------Bullet Drop Compensator
BDU-----------------Battle Dress Uniform
BECI-----------------Bureau of Environmental Conservation Investigations
BG-------------------Bad Guy
BITN-----------------Bump In The Night
BOB-----------------Bail Out Bag
BOHICA------------Bend Over Here It Comes Again
BUG-----------------Back-Up Gun
BUG-----------------Back-Up Gear
CAN----------------- Silencer/Suppressor
CDC-----------------Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CCP-----------------Concealed Carry Permit
CCW----------------Concealed Carry Weapon
CID-----------------Criminal Investigative Division
CLEO-------------- Chief Law Enforcement Officer
COD-----------------Call Of Duty ;)
COTPER-------------Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness & Emergency Response
CPL------------------Concealed Pistol License
CQB-----------------Close Quarters Battle
CRKT----------------Columbia River Knife & Tool
CS-------------------Customer Service
DA-------------------Double Action
DD-------------------Destructive Device
DEA------------------Drug Enforcement Administration
DHS------------------Dept of Homeland Security
DIAS-----------------Drop-In Auto Sear
DOD------------------Department Of Defense
DSO------------------Duck Stamp Office
DS-------------------Deer Slayer (aka Deer Stalker)
DSPS-----------------Deer Slayer Police Special
EDC------------------Every Day Carry
FAK------------------First Aid Kit
FFL------------------Federal Firearms License
FMJ------------------Full Metal Jacket
FOS------------------Fiber Optic Sights
FTB------------------Firearms Technology Branch (aka Tech Branch)
FTE------------------Failure To Eject (aka Failure To Extract)
FTF------------------Failure To Fire
FUBAR---------------uhh, ... Well you know
FWIW----------------For What It's Worth
GCA------------------Gun Control Act 1968
GH-------------------Griffin & Howe, New York
GRS------------------Ghost Ring Sight
HBWC----------------Hollow-Base WadCutter
HCP------------------Handgun Carry Permit (Tennessee)
HK--------------------Heckler & Koch Inc (Pronounced “Coke." )
HMR------------------Hornaday Magnum Rimfire
HMFIC--------------Head Mother F'er In Charge
HP--------------------Hollow Point
HD-------------------Home Defense
H&R------------------Harrington & Richardson
IIRC-----------------If I Recall Correctly
IMHO-----------------In My Humble Opinion (aka In My Honest Opinion)
JHP------------------Jacketed Hollow Point
JSP------------------Jacketed Soft Point
KISS-----------------Keep It Simple Stupid
KKM------------------Kevin K. McIntire (Initials on Glock barrels. KKM Precision)
LEO------------------Law Enforcement Officer
LGS------------------Local Gun Shop (aka Local Gun Store)
LOA------------------Limit of Advancement
LOL------------------Laugh Out Loud
LOP------------------Length Of Pull
LL--------------------Lightning Link
LPK------------------Lower Parts Kit
LR-------------------Long Rifle
MARS----------------Multipurpose Aiming Reflex Sight
MG------------------Machine Gun
MIAD----------------Mission Adaptable
MOA-----------------Minute of Angle
MOFO-----------------Mossberg Owners Forum
MOLLE--------------Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
MRDS---------------Micro Red Dot Sight
NCIS----------------Naval Criminal Investigative Service
ND------------------Negligent Discharge
NFA-----------------National Firearms Act of 1934 (see more info here...http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/nationa ... earms.html)
NTTIAWWT------Not That There Is Anything Wrong With That
OFM----------------O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. (Oscar Frederick Mossberg)
OG-----------------Original Gangsta........... (thanx SHOOTER13) :lol:
OICW--------------Objective Individual Combat Weapon
OP-----------------Original Post or Original Poster (Author of Post)
OU-----------------Over Under (aka O/U)
PG-----------------Pistol Grip
POA---------------Point Of Aim
POI----------------Point Of Impact
POOP--------------People Order Our Patties (that's from Sponge Bob! :lol: )
QC----------------Quality Control
QD----------------Quick Detach
RAA---------------Russian American Arms
RDS---------------Red Dot Sight
ROF---------------Rate Of Fire
SA----------------Single Action
SA----------------Springfield Armory
SAP---------------Sling Attachment Point
SBR---------------Short Barrel Rifle
SBS---------------Short Barrel Shotgun
SD----------------Self Defense
SHTF-------------S**T Hits The Fan
SMG--------------Submachine Gun
SNAFU------------Situation Normal All F... well you know
SOL---------------Student/Shooter Outta Luck (aka S**t Out Of Luck)
SOT---------------Special Occupations Tax (Gun Dealer that can sell NFA items like Machineguns and Silencers)
Stamp------------A $200 Tax Stamp to Certify Legality
SxB---------------Side by Side (aka S/S)
TA----------------Target Area
TEOTWAWKI---The End Of The World As We Know It
TMI---------------Too Much Information
VFG---------------Vertical Fore Grip
WCF---------------Winchester Center Fire
WMR--------------Winchester Magnum Rimfire
VR----------------Vent Rib
WTF--------------Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Okey doke, I'm done for now!
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Re: Acronyms

A Avtomat (Automatic) K Kalashnikov (some Russian guy :) )

FTF Failure To Fire aka Misfire

FTE Failure To Eject aka Failure To Extract

AKA Also Known As

SG ShotGun

PG Pistol Grip

GRS Ghost Ring Sight
Re: Acronyms

Oli, You win! :D Though I'm fresh out of cookies... :lol:

Got a few more in there too, nicely done!

Heres another I kept thinkin about today.

BATF Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, or most commonly the ATF

MRDS Micro Red Dot Sight
Re: Acronyms

BUIS, god one! ;)

VFG Verticle Fore Grip

AFG Angled Fore Grip, as in the MAgpul AFG
Re: Acronyms

Rossignol said:
Heres another I kept thinkin about today.

BATF Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, or most commonly the ATF

Actually...you're gonna hafta add an "E" to the end of that one...Explosives


And here's one...my old employer...DoD = Department of Defense

CID = Criminal Investigative Division
NCIS = Naval Criminal Investigative Service
DHS = Dept of Homeland Security

...and I could go on for hours... :cool:

Re: Acronyms

Thought of a few more while posting about my AR build...

LPK- Lower Parts Kit

BCG- Bolt Carrier Group

ADS- Aiming Down Sights
Re: Acronyms

I hate to be a pedant (well, I don't really hate it, I just can't help it), but these are initials, not acronyms. An acronym is a pronounceable word made up of the first letters of other words, such as "NATO".
Re: Acronyms

maierar said:
I hate to be a pedant (well, I don't really hate it, I just can't help it), but these are initials, not acronyms. An acronym is a pronounceable word made up of the first letters of other words, such as "NATO".

You are correct in your definition Sir, but according to "Webster" it's both. An "initialism", also called an "acronym" in common usage is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a compound term, pronounceable or not. Acronymguide.com even includes terms such as "24/7" and "Q&A" in their list of commonly used acronyms. Not to suggest that they are the authority on the subject but it does suggest that in their case and in ours, the common useage is widely accepted.

No matter what you choose to call it, I think this thread is beneficial to everyone here. Carry on gentlemen...
Re: Acronyms

maierar said:
I hate to be a pedant (well, I don't really hate it, I just can't help it), but these are initials, not acronyms. An acronym is a pronounceable word made up of the first letters of other words, such as "NATO".

Yeah, its more like initialism, but, It works! :D
Re: Acronyms

BECI=Bureau of Environmental Conservation Investigations
TA= target area
TARFU=things are really f***d up
FUBAR=f***d up beyond all recognition
TMI= too much information
Re: Acronyms

i noticed a couple of posts had LEO...is that law enforcement officer?
Re: Acronyms

also...i was thinkin, since we do use a wide range of these, is it possible to make a sticky? with them all? and have the 1st post be all of them, and every so often when someone adds one just edit the 1st post to add it as well.

i know i have searched this post a few times to find out what something meant....

idk guys. what is everyone's thoughts on it?
Re: Acronyms

ripjack13 said:
i noticed a couple of posts had LEO...is that law enforcement officer?

lol, yeah, its actually in my first post! Which brings me to your next post... Its probably not a bad idea!
Re: Acronyms

alphabetical would be great too....

thanx brad.
Re: Acronyms

Still padding your post count I see... :lol:

Alphabetical would be good... I'll get on it after my honey do list!