Should section 230 be revised or eliminated?
(Bear in mind, that very question may be what’s affecting the administration and performance of this very site.)
For a long time, Internet providers and site operators have been considered immune from certain lawsuits due to article 230, which treats them differently than ordinary publishers.
Claiming that they are only carriers of data, and not responsible for the contents of the data itself, websites & providers have a long secured themselves from legal action when people go off the rails due to things they saw online etc.
But now a federal court has decided that while the industry is perfectly welcome to abuse and propagandize adults, it happens to be a crime when you do that to children. The evidence, they say, is seen in the behavior of children who have been injured by their contact with the Internet and thereafter want to do horrible things like commit mass murder, commit suicide, cut off their genitals or who knows what horror.
Should the site or any of us here, be liable for things said by other people here?
Or should 230 stand?
(Bear in mind, that very question may be what’s affecting the administration and performance of this very site.)
For a long time, Internet providers and site operators have been considered immune from certain lawsuits due to article 230, which treats them differently than ordinary publishers.
Claiming that they are only carriers of data, and not responsible for the contents of the data itself, websites & providers have a long secured themselves from legal action when people go off the rails due to things they saw online etc.
But now a federal court has decided that while the industry is perfectly welcome to abuse and propagandize adults, it happens to be a crime when you do that to children. The evidence, they say, is seen in the behavior of children who have been injured by their contact with the Internet and thereafter want to do horrible things like commit mass murder, commit suicide, cut off their genitals or who knows what horror.
Should the site or any of us here, be liable for things said by other people here?
Or should 230 stand?