There is a meeting next Tues. night I'm going to make it a point to go to and have some questions answered. It has been 10yrs since I've been to one and I think it might be time to get more involved.
I went to the club meeting last Tues night and it was a packed house with many questions answered and re-answered, not just for me, but many other concerned members. In no particular order:
* The club dropped the NRA requirement because they were due to sign another 5yr lease and the county council, who is in charge of such things, has a couple Kommunist Kunts on it that insisted on that and other changes (noted below). LOCAL ELECTIONS MATTER, PEOPLE! Originally, the club insurance WAS provided by the NRA via Lyoyds of London with the requirement of 100% membership, but that coverage was long not been available. This is a neighboring county so I can't vote in their elections. This county IS usually a solid Republican vote, but seems to be getting infected purple by neighboring Orange Co. (Orlando) in recent years. The housing build-up there is almost uncontrolled and dismal.
* The monthly rent went from $10/month ($120/yr) to $120/month. Some would say that is still reasonable but it would appear to be a punitive measure on the council's part. This is an area way off the beaten track and could be considered a "Conservation Area" and not developable.
* The council required guests of members now sign a "harmless" waiver EVERY time they visit. Forms are at the ranges, they fill one out, put it in a box, put a "visitor" pass on, then they can shoot. A mild pain in the ass but not a deal-breaker, I suppose...
* The council insisted on a 5% discount on membership fees for county residents but the club board decided to instead raise the fee 5% for NON-county residents. I don't have a problem with this.
A discount would result in lost revenue and hopefully this "change" won't run afoul of the county requirements.
I also looked into becoming a RSO (Range Safety Officer). Since I have been shooting more lately, it is a way of "giving back" to the club. There is a class beginning Saturday at the range clubhouse that according to the instructor, may or may not be filled
and I was encouraged to show up to replace any no-shows. The space requirement was mainly because of limited books. If it is full up, I'm going to see if I can look on another's book until a book is made available to me. This will be at the discretion of the instructor. Otherwise, I'll take the opportunity to shoot and check sighting of a couple guns. The RSOs are mainly used during "Public Day" which is the first Sunday of every month. The pistol range is especially "busy" and in need of RSOs on Public Day. I was an NRA Pistol Instructor until my certification lapsed...