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Is the NRA in a death spiral?


.270 WIN
Elite Member
Now that Uncle Wayne and a few of his henchmen are out, is anyone thinking of joining/rejoining? I may consider joining again sometime in the third quarter of NEVER. Even with a new board and officers, their approach to the cause has been outdated for years and what with all of the corruption, their credibility is gone. For me, anyway.

The leaner, meaner groups like Gun Owners of America and Firearms Policy Coalition seem to be doing a lot more with a lot less than the NRA.

What would it take to make the NRA viable again in your eyes??
I hope it is in a death spiral. It is basically useless to me. And while I WAS a member for years I have totally given up on them. Board of Directors, VP of Marketing, First Class plane tickets, Ten vice presidents with luxury homes and swimming pools, luxury everything, and the contributors got jack shit while the salaried guys all laughed their way to the bank.

Eff them. The NRA can kiss my ass.
The NRA scandal reminds me of what happened with the UNITED WAY back around 1990 - fancy jets, multiple mansions, multiple girlfriends. Even recently the CEO of that "charity" has come under fire.

These guys must get a taste for other people's money with zero accountability. They turn non-profits into mega piggy banks. Hang'em all.
From a pro-gun outsider's view the NRA is stumbling hard and has been for sometime. They have not, at least to my mind been very successful in recent years of bridging the gaps in their messaging and their public image. They've allowed themselves to become almost irrelevant by some of the very things nitesite said above, in addition to some very public equivocating on bump stocks. They lost their focus some time ago and the media hasn't let them off the ropes for one second. I think the NRA is a "dead man walking" unless by some miracle they clean house and are able to successfully re-brand themselves.

I think it's safe to say Mr. LaPierre has nearly single-handedly destroyed the organization by treating it like his own personal fiefdom and piggybank.
They have been in a death spiral for years because they lost their way and didn't listen to their members, many who are now gone,

All rests on the shoulders of the leadership and the board.

Goodby NRA.
The NRA to me has the attitude as government agencies. No matter how much money they have is never enough. If I did not get mail, email or snail, and phone calls from them my life would be much simpler. As the sharks would say on shark tank….

For that reason, I’m out.
I like to think the NRA will come around. We MUSTN'T fail! If we go, the other gun-rights orgs will soon follow. Then what? As a lifer, I think there are far too many people hating on us, even pro-2A-ers. The hate must stop...

When people say "the NRA sucks!" or "the NRA is evil!" not only are they insulting the departed Wayne LaP, who probably deserves the hate (if the allegations are true),--they are insulting loyal members like me.

The gun club I belong to just initiated some new policies. One is that a waiver has to be signed every time you shoot. :rolleyes: Something about it being a lease requirement. Apparently the 5yr lease they just signed also increased quite a bit. The county owns the land and it is right next to a police training track and range. For some reason I thought they had a 100yr lease.

A topical bit of news is that they are no longer a 100% NRA club. Meaning you had to be a member to join/renew. I thought it was a requirement for insurance or something. I don't know why they dropped the requirement--maybe they are trying to increase membership?

There is a meeting next Tues. night I'm going to make it a point to go to and have some questions answered. It has been 10yrs since I've been to one and I think it might be time to get more involved.
I maintain my NRA membership as well as the odd donation. I do it mainly because I like the American Rifleman publication. I read this magazine front to back every month.
I also think they do make a difference. If the left hates you it means you stand in their way.
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I was on the waiting list for a semi-exclusive club in the area, but when my number came up I had to pass because one of their requisites is NRA membership.

Just as well.....I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. ;)
I don’t mean to insult any NRA member, I am a member myself, but there was a period I would get two or three calls a day. Hell I remember renewing for like 3 years and getting a call the next month wanting me to renew. It’s not the membership that creates problems. I often wonder how many members they chased away.

Anyway, would I hope they continue on. Yep. They get their act together, yep again. They have done great things in the past and hopefully that will continue.
There is a meeting next Tues. night I'm going to make it a point to go to and have some questions answered. It has been 10yrs since I've been to one and I think it might be time to get more involved.

I went to the club meeting last Tues night and it was a packed house with many questions answered and re-answered, not just for me, but many other concerned members. In no particular order:

* The club dropped the NRA requirement because they were due to sign another 5yr lease and the county council, who is in charge of such things, has a couple Kommunist Kunts on it that insisted on that and other changes (noted below). LOCAL ELECTIONS MATTER, PEOPLE! Originally, the club insurance WAS provided by the NRA via Lyoyds of London with the requirement of 100% membership, but that coverage was long not been available. This is a neighboring county so I can't vote in their elections. This county IS usually a solid Republican vote, but seems to be getting infected purple by neighboring Orange Co. (Orlando) in recent years. The housing build-up there is almost uncontrolled and dismal. :(
* The monthly rent went from $10/month ($120/yr) to $120/month. Some would say that is still reasonable but it would appear to be a punitive measure on the council's part. This is an area way off the beaten track and could be considered a "Conservation Area" and not developable.
* The council required guests of members now sign a "harmless" waiver EVERY time they visit. Forms are at the ranges, they fill one out, put it in a box, put a "visitor" pass on, then they can shoot. A mild pain in the ass but not a deal-breaker, I suppose... :rolleyes:
* The council insisted on a 5% discount on membership fees for county residents but the club board decided to instead raise the fee 5% for NON-county residents. I don't have a problem with this. ;) A discount would result in lost revenue and hopefully this "change" won't run afoul of the county requirements.

I also looked into becoming a RSO (Range Safety Officer). Since I have been shooting more lately, it is a way of "giving back" to the club. There is a class beginning Saturday at the range clubhouse that according to the instructor, may or may not be filled :rolleyes: and I was encouraged to show up to replace any no-shows. The space requirement was mainly because of limited books. If it is full up, I'm going to see if I can look on another's book until a book is made available to me. This will be at the discretion of the instructor. Otherwise, I'll take the opportunity to shoot and check sighting of a couple guns. The RSOs are mainly used during "Public Day" which is the first Sunday of every month. The pistol range is especially "busy" and in need of RSOs on Public Day. I was an NRA Pistol Instructor until my certification lapsed...

Society is in a death spiral. People haven’t figured it out yet but they soon will. Unfortunately it will be too late. Stock up my brothers!
Lol…I don’t push any particular political perspective very often, but count myself as at least one of the 40 or 50 million gun owning non Republican citizens of the United States. And not to single out any one person, but I’ve seen that rallying cry on this very site, more than a few times. And I chuckle. I’ve been on the forum for a short time, but the reality of the recent past and more than a little bit of time perusing the various threads and surveys found on this very forum have lead me to conclude, be careful what we wish for. A few short years ago, in the state I’ve lived my whole life in, we had weeks and months of riots and occupation and all sorts of BS. And who was carrying that out? Regular pissed off people with super soakers and umbrella’s, going toe to toe with fully armed and trained swat cops and all the rest of the brave men and women who protect us every day. And on this site, the “ would you” surveys revealed time and again that yes, we are prepared to defend our homes, to protect our stuff, to arm up and live off the land etc, etc. And therein is the rub. Protect our stuff, but heaven forbid miss a day of work, cuz only republicans have jobs and keep the country running, while all democrats apparently spend their days finding ways to spend our hard earned money. But the reality in my own head says that when people don’t get on the same page, and snap out of this delusional reality that you can somehow save the country from those “people” by staying hunkered down in your mountain fortress forever, well, IMO, we just ain’t hooked up right. What do you think “ those people” did with their $2400 govmint checks? That’s right, they leveled the playing field, buying every gun and bullet they could get. We all know that cuz we all bitched about the scarcity. And if “those people “ really had a reason, our 10 guns and a 1000 rounds, fired by two old people locked in their house, surrounded by our stuff, are,well, again, be careful what you wish for..
Very good!! There is a side of me that hopes that the NRA can come back and demonstrate, with new leadership, that they've returned to their core values and lobby FOR gun owners --- because if it does wither away and die, the Marxist left crazies will take credit for killing it and ramp up their already fanatic efforts to disarm the nation.
I last read Dad’s American Rifleman as a child of 8 or 9. I think his subscription ended when he went to Vietnam in 1964. That was unimportant. The important thing was that he taught me to be a real rifleman. I wouldn’t be here, otherwise.
I posted the following in "Good Morning" before I realized this thread had been updated. I'm posting again because I believe it deserves repeating... :)

I started reading the NRA thread and thought that I was glad I do not belong to them.
Sounds like a personal problem to me... :rolleyes: I am proud to be a Life Member of the NRA. If someone says "F**k the NRA!" they are insulting me and millions of other members. When other gun rights orgs and guntoobers disparage us, I call them out on it. This is not how we keep our gun rights by putting down another gun rights org, especially the largest in the world! :mad: If the NRA goes, the rest will soon follow... :(

When I joined back in the 90s, the Klinton Krime Bill (with Handgun Control Inc.'s blessing) was very much hovering on the horizon. At the time, the NRA (and Wayne LaP) was very much on the forefront of neutering this legislation and they helped to assure it sunsetted 10yrs later. If you look at the stats, the bill did just about nothing--crime even increased in many big cites. I recall Clinton went on vacation for a couple weeks before signing the bill and it is estimated there were a million standard ("high") capacity magazines produced every day he was vacationing.

I am also proud to be a NRA Pistol Instructor (expired) and now a NRA Range Safety Officer. I didn't gain those certifications to start my own gun-training school because there really is NO money to be made doing it unless you are some kind of celebrity trainer and/or have a ranch with 1000s of acres out west. I got those certs to train others in firearm use and safety. That is how we recruit new gunowners/marksmen and keep our rights alive. People forget the NRA is predominantly a shooting/training org for both civilians and LEOs. Any other org that "trains" likely stole most of their curriculum from the NRA. :rolleyes: Here in FL, my PI cert had the added benefit that it eliminated the training requirement to get my Concealed Weapons License. While there is now Constitutional Carry, the CWP allows one to buy a gun from a dealer and walk out with it the same hour while others have to wait 3 days.

Don't fall into the ignorance trap of "NRA bad!" spouted by slimedia and the sub-intelligent. That is exactly what they want from you. They are going to take out the biggest, then the rest will be easy. Then who will lobby for you in Congress? As a Lifer, I don't like that LaP allegedly embezzeled funds and so on. Remember the c*nt that brought all this on is the same that has filed countless frivolous charges against Trump. These are elites that need to be dropped, IMO! If you agree that the current Trump trial is legit, then you are certainly a candidate for Red-Flagging because something ain't right upstairs! :rolleyes: And turn off the f**king TV and MSNBCNN! :mad: