What follows is a hilarious range shoot that I was I had recorded live...
When my Wife was on the range with me to shoot 12ga mini shells for the first time with her (then new) S&W M&P 12, I had her go through 20 mini shells of birdshot to get her accustomed to it (10 per tube, L/R). She settled in nicely as she fired off both tubes with no problems, as the M&P 12 easily soaked up what very little recoil there was from the short shells. When it was time to reload, she let me reload it but I loaded 5 mini shells of birdshot in the left tube to go first then I loaded 3 more mini shells of birdshot in the right tube with a 3" magnum slug right after them. All unbeknownst to her, mind you. My small-statured Wife proceeded to quickly go through the left tube's 5 mini's, then she switched over to the right tube's first 3 mini's only to finally cycle and lite off the 3" magnum shell... She musta' flew back a good 3ft from the firing line and had a look on her face that can't be consciously replicated. I nearly ruptured my spleen laughing so hard at the unexpected shot and her surprise to the blast and recoil. Lessons learned were: 1) learn to ID & load your own ammo in the firearm you're using, 2) always brace yourself with the proper shooting stance regardless of firearm used, and 3) (for myself) how the couch feels for a solid week as I heard her complain about me and my pranks. Wish I had this on video somehow... (Lol)