ouch.. mine was one pin, one trigger assembly, one mag cap,one plug,one spring and one follower. But with any luck, you’ll be set until cleaning time..lolGot mine today. Installation was a pain because I had to remove my Laser Saddle and sidesaddle.
I have the green laser sidesaddle, but saw no reason to remove it. Remove the screw, push the pin out, and pull out the trigger assembly.Got mine today. Installation was a pain because I had to remove my Laser Saddle and sidesaddle.
You've got that right! If the first few minishells don't work, the 3" at the end sure will! We really enjoy the minis, especially the slugs. Great for plinking!I ordered one kit. For $25 and free shipping it’s a pretty cheap experiment. If it works it may find a home in my HD gun. I figure in that application it would allow me to strategically ready load the gun as well as allow me to feed ammo without having to worry about what it is especially under stress. All 12 ga of course.
It will also allow me to try some mini shells. I’ve not tried them since none of my M500’s are capable of running them.
I have the green laser sidesaddle, but saw no reason to remove it. Remove the screw, push the pin out, and pull out the trigger assembly.
Hope you are able to get your hands on some minis soon!I installed the kit today and it was super easy. The time it takes you to disassemble the shut gun and remove the magazine tube is the time it takes for installation. The mag tube follower seems solid and inserting the plastic piece in front of the trigger assembly takes seconds. I ran some 2.75” shells thru it and the plastic piece does not seem to get in the way. I don’t have any minis to test but I will keep my eyes out for some. My only question is how will the plastic piece do in really cold temps. Not that my HD gun will see really cold temps but a walk thru the woods shotgun will.
Below are some pics. The kit comes with a cool sticker that will be stuck on my work bench.
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Sorry our adapter comparison video turned you off, but thanks for ultimately deciding to buy it on the merits vs some impressions you have of our ethics that are mistaken.I don't like the video on their site with the Opsol being compared, it looks like a loose Opsol and staged (cheap shot), it is pushed in at the rear to induce the fail, use of broken off 590S trigger group housing tab ?, reminds me of the over the top TV commercial with stuff falling out of cabinets, food all over the kitchen, burnt eggs in a pan, you don't need to slant a video if the product does as advertised, a video of a side by side test with both adapters in working order not tampered with would be the ticket, both would be equal right up to the point of feeding 2 3/4" shells or mixing (loading tube and running), this would show product superiority for the task at hand (not having to remove adapter), I just purchased one but almost didn't because of this video.
BIG BOLD RED LETTERS with critical and demeaning language usually means someone is offended.I wasn't offended, I stated my opinion based on how it looked to me. If your product works it does not need a "vs" video.
I made the purchase based on a need/want for the ability to run multi length shells without removing parts and not wanting to purchase another Mossberg (590S), your product is said to work, that's what I need.
All good, I did note that above (post 30) but also went off topic. 590S conversion/update part will not be available any time soon according to Mossberg this afternoon, parts are noted in post 30.Guy's let's get back on subject please. (Mossberg 590 Shockwave.)
looks to me they showed how the other product are inferior because they are not attached well. anyone been around rubber working against metal knows whats gonna happen. i dont want chunks rubber floating around in my gun. hell ill pay for the recoil 2 3/4 shells. im still not sold on mini shells anyway. i need less recoil when my arthritis is acting up i'll grab the unmentioned carbine. on good day i prefer shotty. but i want em both feed and feed well. no floating stuff in the actionFederal Mini shells are starting to show up, Midway has the #8 shot and more importantly #4 Buck (15 pellet buffered) but they are limiting purchase to 3 boxes (10 rd box).
As to the original post, the parts required are bolt, trigger group (housing), bolt carrier and lifter, short answer is the parts are not being sold separately.
I just ordered adapter kit from Defender Tactical this weekend (my wife placed the order I think), I will test the heck out of it. The obvious benefit (selling point) is the ability to run 2 3/4" , mini's or mixed length without removing an adapter.
I don't like the video on their site with the Opsol being compared, it looks like a loose Opsol and staged (cheap shot), it is pushed in at the rear to induce the fail, use of broken/defective 590S trigger group housing tab (arrester) ?, reminds me of the over the top TV commercial with stuff falling out of cabinets, food all over the kitchen, burnt eggs in a pan, you don't need to slant a video if the product does as advertised, a video of a side by side test with both adapters in working order not tampered with would be the ticket, both would be equal right up to the point of feeding 2 3/4" shells or mixing (loading tube and running), this would show product superiority for the task at hand (not having to remove adapter), I just purchased one but almost didn't because of this video.
I have run Opsol for years, the 2.0 I have is very tight and is difficult to remove , Defender Tactical needs to just let their product speak for them and let the ability to mix shell length be the selling point, this point alone will sell the product, not hinky video.
See post #35 above. The original question was regarding converting 590 to 590S referencing parts needed and availability.Looks to me they showed how the other product are inferior because they are not attached well. Anyone been around rubber working against metal knows what's gonna happen. I don't want chunks rubber floating around in my gun, hell I'll pay for the recoil 2 3/4 shells. I'm still not sold on mini shells anyway. I need less recoil when my arthritis is acting up I'll grab the unmentioned carbine. on good day I prefer shotgun, but I want them both to feed and feed well, no floating stuff in the action.