Thanks Bobster. I'll try to take better shots moving the jar of caviar and magnum of Moet are just out of frame? Trying not to flex too much? NICE gun and gun-to-be (Geissele)! Have you done any 80% stuff? I've done a few P80 "glockish" pistols in the past 6 months. Out-of-spec aftermarket parts require a little troubleshooting and 'smithing. I'll have to update my initial build post... I MIGHT have some America's Rifle 80%-ers...
BTW, Welcome Back!
No I have not done any 80% anything yet. Im too anal and it had to be perfectly done, oh and im also not the best combination.
I prefer to get stripped lowers and build from there. I'd like to think I can build it cheaper but most times its about the same except I have what I want on it and better than milspec stuff from what they would use.
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