my 308 kyrptec banshee rifle likes corelocks 150 gr best of the three major brands Remington, federal, Winchester, I have yet to run any 168 grain stuff through it but I am sure it will tighten up, but have no problem with 1moa in any of the listed rounds
the 168 grain hpbt is the premiere weight in target ammo and I have some nice heavy barrel target guns that are scary accurate with that type ammo but I did not want to pack a 10 lb rifle on a deer hunt and 150 grain is available at reasonable cost and everywhere, so I use it to hunt with
I liked my first patriot so well that I recently added another 308 patriot in walnut furniture that will stay in the box, my daughter informed me she was pregnant so I used that as an excuse to buy my next grandchild a new rifle for when it gets old enough to deer hunt, the fact that it had a really nice grained stock with tiger stripes did not hurt,
I like the walnut stocks that Mossberg has on these rifles, but this one just stood out above the others that I have seen in the way it looked, so I jumped on it like a duck on a june bug