Bringin' back the QOTM--good deal!
A little history before I talk about the future.
I've been shooting steel a couple times a month for about 1-1/2 yrs now. It's not about money or points or anything like that but more about developing
(life-saving/life-taking) skills under the clock. Which is fun!
My only regret is not doing it 20 or even 10 years ago. So I went from shooting as low as maybe 500 rounds the year before to shooting 500+ a month during matches.
Anyhow, my gun hobby must not consume any of the household budget. I've been financing it by selling off surplus shop equipment
(I have too much anyway--I'm long overdue to downsize) and guns that weren't being used. For example, I sold a S&W 622 that only had 10rd mags and was unsuitable for plate competition and I'd have to have a holster/mag pouches made. The kids DID learn how to shoot semi-auto pistol with it but neither of them had any desire to keep it. The $400 from that equaled the cost of a new SIG 322. The Shiny 590 Mariner money bought a like-new S&W 15-22 and optic, 1000rds of 9mm and 1000rds of M-22 (.22LR). The Mariner was nice to look at but I didn't want to drill/tap the receiver or butch it out. So I'll let someone else look at it.
I almost bought a JM930 but my budget is not quite ready for 3-gun. Both new .22s get used at least once a month and cost about $.10/rd to feed or $20/match.
9mm is costing about $.20/rd
($10/box Magtech steel) or $40/match so that is another ongoing cost. I won't "bore" you with details
but I got into 80% Glock clone building for a little while. Mainly to build a cheap "glock" or two. But I ended up also building a complete "competition" gun for the price of just one aftermarket "Z" slide.
19X clone with red-dot, runs great, trigger is great. Lone Wolf frame/Dagger slide. I just put a compensator on it so now I have to tune it.
I put the "old" slide without comp back on it for this weekend's Zombie match.
The dot and her BF will be using the .22s above and I the DaggerWolf.
I became a NRA RSO this year and will become a Hunter Safety instructor in 2025 so I'll continue to do training. We have a "Public Day" at my range I have been volunteering at as a RSO for "service hours" to reduce/eliminate yearly dues. I just renewed for 2025 and it cost me $0!
So long story short, for 2025, I'll continue tinkering with guns, shooting them "competitively" and training people, time and money permitting. I don't really have any particular gun purchase in mind, maybe a Glock 34 or slide. I'm not really a "collector" but more of a "shooter"--guns are tools and must work for a living.
Maybe a gun deal will fall into my lap and I'll buy it?
I've been thinking about Precision Rifle but at $1500+ for a gun not including glass (add $1500+) and over $1/rd, I don't think I can afford it in 2025.
I got persuaded to join ARA to possibly do some Precision Rimfire shooting but to be competitive the ammo is $20+per box!
And the gun everybody uses is the bolt-action CZ 457 that starts at $700. Then the scope...
So I probably can't afford that either.
MIGHT get a JM930/940 and get into 3-gun but to do that I'll have to sell the Thug and 1000s of rds of 20ga ammo.
I don't use the Thug for anything, really. I have fat thumbs which make it difficult loading 20ga.