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Russian Produced Ammo


I know I'm like wishing and likely be disappointed but I'm hoping President Trump will reverse the ban on the import of Russian produced ammunition.

Anyone else hopeful?
I'd have more of an opinion if I had actually used any Russian made products, but that said, reversing any Biden ban is a stellar idea. Let freedom ring.....with the proper tariffs on imports. :) But haven't a lot of American manufacturers been bought up the big player in Czechia?
The Dumpocraps are talking of "Trump-proofing" current laws and legislation but not sure how THAT is going to happen... :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind seeing some cheap Ruskie ammo again... :D
The current import ban includes Russian-made ammo manufactured by Barnaul, Tula, Red Army Standard, and Wolf.

Calibers include 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, 7.62x25 Tokarev, 9x18 Makarov, and 5.45x45.
These sanctions, limiting the import of Russian weapons and ammunition took place on September 7, 2021, and were scheduled to remain in place for a minimum of 12 months. After 12 months, the Executive Branch (the President) can remove the sanctions if Russia meets certain obligations under the CBW Act.

These restrictions automatically expire in Janruary of 2027 unless otherwise removed by executive order.

The real impact of these sanctions has been on the small sporting goods retailers here in the U.S. who had longterm orders pending for imported goods. And I think we can agree the domestic sources have yet to fill the void. Plus the cost weapons and ammo have dramitically increased.

Like in Europe today it begs the question as to who the imposed sanctions have really impacted? And I suspect we all know the real answer!

I have 1500+ rounds of Russian made 7.62x39 I bought pre ban. It was very reasonably priced. As much as I wish for more I don’t think this is a pressing issue at the time. I actually think it would be a bad move politically at this time. There are plenty of other issues to deal with, then at the appropriate time lift the ban.
Maybe this will happen when Putin and Trump decide the war in Ukraine is over!

Plus when the new Ukraine presidential election will take place. Likely in early 2025.

On one of those "Border Patrol" shows, in the trunk of a sedan heading south over the border, they found and confiscated like 5000rds of 7.62x39! The sad part is they just send it off to get destroyed... :(
Maybe in some states. California will fight this tooth and nail. Doesn’t affect me directly.

I was never attracted to the idea of owning a rooskie gun anyhow. I have never even shot one.

My Bro in law bought an AK for my sister. She is a retired meat inspector from the Air Force.

She says she prefers the AR, as the AK is more clumsy to handle and less accurate.

I have one of each. They have differences and strengths. The AR is perhaps a little more accurate, but the AK has greater stopping power. The AK in my opinion is also more reliable, especially in dirty environments.

Of course the AR is more common here and parts and accessories are much easier to come by. To me though, the bottom line is both are good weapons and fun to take to the range.
Meany, having used and currently owned both an AR and an AK I totally agree with you on their atributes.

One thing that others might consider is building an AR based on 7.62x39 cartridges. For those that like the AR platform you can enjoy the increased performance of 7.62 ammo. These can be built into either a carbine and pistol configuration.

Both cartridges have their positives and negatives but the biggest selection factor is the environment /landscape you are operating in.
