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Veterans Day, November 11th


While I know everyone is focused on the upcoming election, shortly thereafter, November 11th is a very important patriotic day - Veterans Day. Veterans Day remembers all who have served our Republic. And November 11th is also celebrated by many nations, including our friends in Canada, as Remembrance Day.

Each year there are still many who confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day. The attached video traces the history of Veterans Day and discusses the differences. Please feel free to share with others.

And please take time to thank all who have served our Nation!

Veterans Day is a good time to remember that our freedom isn’t guaranteed.

It’s protected by the men and women in our Armed Services.

To those who secure our way of life… thank you!
Thanks to all who served, and to those that are serving now. We owe them so much, they ask for so little.

USAF 1969-1973
Big_Al, never to late to check in. Thank you for your service brother!

Bunch of us old Vietnam era veterans around here so you are in like company.

Something for all of us to remember every day of the year -

I certainly know Veterans Day has passed but this song and video is worth listening to any day!

Bless all our WWII Veterans!
