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Los Angeles teacher Union.



Defund police,Medicare for all,Money for illegals,No resource officers in schools.

Otherwise they are not going back to school. Just another arm of the Democratic Party. I would hope the people of L.A. would see the light and run them out of town. Preferably to the west.
School choice is a huge deal for practically everyone here; except the teachers, who have been told it will wreck the public school system.
And it will. And it needs to. My experience with California public school teachers is that they have all drank the Kool-aid. Their system sucks.

The stupid thig is this:

Once they go private, the crappy teachers whom all the good ones complain about will vanish. Waste and overhead they all cry about, as they fund the shortage in activity funds, will vanish. School violence will vanish. A private school can eject a kid for any reason and no tuition refunds would be given.

So parents will be directly $$$ involved. Furious parents would get the kids back on track.

Kids who get kicked out of private school would have to go to state (probably reform) school, as no private school would take them.

Teachers would quit paying dues so would get an immediate raise from that, even if private schools paid less.

Private schools would be in real competition to see who creates the best students. That motivation is stifled now.
Everyone's too busy keeping up with this semester's new policies etc.
I am soooo glad I moved out of there. But, Connecticut is about the same. So I'm back in the same boat, different captain....
So all of the teachers associations and unions across the nation support good old Gropin’ Joe, who is clearly on the edge of things mentally and morally, to be our new leader.


Follow the money folks, And defund the public schools.

If a Biden/Trump debate ever happens, no teacher will be able to look at parents in the face and say, “Yes, I voted for Joe Biden.”

I do not think Biden has Alzheimer’s. I think he is taking drugs for arthritis or other conditions & they are affecting his mind. I have seen folks taking these drugs and I know what they do. What they sound like is Joe Biden.

Go watch the video on YouTube of his driving with Jay Leno and compare that to what you see on TV today.
All of the police unions are falling in line with Trump and I suspect fire and other public employee unions will follow suit.

Who knows, even trade unions might wake up and realize that for 8 years Obama/Biden replaced real jobs, construction, manufacturing, trucking with minimum wage jobs and part time jobs.
The school committee here in Volusia Co. had a very long meeting last night that I did NOT pay any attention to but the wife did. There is going to be mask use and every-other seating (1/2 classrooms) and all sorts of other BS that will make learning worse. They have so much turnover as it is of teachers and I know people will demand salaries get cut since there are fewer students. NOTHING good will come of the manic panic. My senior son is trying to take as many courses online over the summer as he can.
I have to say that cutting class sizes from 30 students to 20 students would be a good move for everybody no matter what it costs.

And this is in light of the fact that before the Covid virus teachers used to drag home every imaginable disease from the classroom. They didn’t panic and put on masks they just filed for sick time and they stayed home and got a substitute teacher.

Being married to a teacher and working with three other engineers whose wives were all teaching and having attended over a dozen schools myself, I have learned that the best schools I attended had the smallest classes.

In the smallest school which I attended, the teacher was able to cope with third fourth and fifth grades all in one classroom, because there were only 23 students. I remember the difficulties when the school saddled my wife with 33 kids!

Once you get past a certain point, and that varies greatly with the individual class, you change environments from structured to chaotic.
The teachers unions are using the covid crisis to push an agenda. Defund police, Medicare for all, these are not education issues.

The teachers unions are using the covid crisis to help their liberal cohorts push the socialist agenda.
The state and the union have both screwed the teachers around for so many years that they're all about half nuts by now.
I will tell you that teachers drink way more than engineers. I've been to several teacher parties.

They do not work as hard, but their work is more irritating.

I live in a world where 512 is 512, will always be 512, and never was other than 512. I don't have to worry that tomorrow the state will make me call it 513, or make me believe that it's the same as 513, if it was written by a disadvantaged child.

Teachers don't have that luxury. The state feeds them BS, the union feeds them BS, and the kids feed them BS.
It keeps them constantly trying to find balance in a world where everyone undermines the foundations.