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Another Attack in Nigeria


Global Moderator
This time on an agricultural college. The attack took place in the dead of night and the students were killed as they slept in their dorms. Reports say as many as 50 dead and many others wounded...

Nigeria: Militants kill students in college attack

Unlike the previous shopping mall attack, this time the majority of victims were muslim...

The whole lot of them.

And that goes for every one who prefers to strike at unarmed victims regardless of who you are or your religious standing.
OhioArcher said:
Payback for Kenya?

This was a muslim group killing muslim students. The group responsible says that they will only permit teaching in islamic schools and that "western" education is forbidden. Apparently the death of these students is meant to serve as an example of what happens when you break their rules...
OhioArcher said:
Payback for Kenya?

This was a muslim group killing muslim students. The group responsible says that they will only permit teaching in islamic schools and that "western" education is forbidden. Apparently the death of these students is meant to serve as an example of what happens when you break their rules...

Same as chopping off somebody's head because their great grandfather belonged to a different tribe. It's Africa. It's what they do. :roll:
We are at war (base on religion) and have been for decades... and just as you've said before Gunny... no one wants to admit it.

It doesn't matter who's in charge...the ideology, "traditions" and radical thinking have been imbedded in the Muslim world for almost a millennia, starting with the Crusades. No amount of diplomacy or political gander will change that they hate us on principal... not because we have something they don't.
aksavanaman said:
We are at war (base on religion) and have been for decades... and just as you've said before Gunny... no one wants to admit it.

It doesn't matter who's in charge...the ideology, "traditions" and radical thinking have been imbedded in the Muslim world for almost a millennia, starting with the Crusades. No amount of diplomacy or political gander will change that they hate us on principal... not because we have something they don't.

Well, some admit it. I actually understand why many people won't. Because if it is officially admitted, it commits you to a form of warfare that is unbearably violent for many, and victory only comes with the complete and total annihilation of one side or the other. It means the complete eradication of any memory that the opposing culture ever existed. The alternative (being absorbed) is usually not acceptable.

This is why in many ancient cultures, when a leader (King, Pharoh, tribal chief, etc. ) was deposed by another, all of his statues, books, etc. were destroyed or defaced, and no one dared mention that he had ever existed. It was an attempt (usually unsuccessful), to erase him from the timeline of history.

We see this point of view in the proclamations of radical Islamists today. Submit (be absorbed) or die. We in the 'western' cultures have great deal of difficulty wrapping our heads around this position.

I believe it was Churchill who said he could forgive what his enemy did to him, but could not forgive what his enemy forced him to do.
For anyone who doesn't believe that we are at war, just watch and listen.

AP is reporting 4 guys got wounded in South Sudan when their Osprey's took ground fire.

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) -- Rebel gunfire hit a U.S. military aircraft trying to evacuate American citizens caught in a remote region of South Sudan that on Saturday became a battle ground between the country's military and renegade troops, officials said. Four U.S. service members were wounded.

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/ ... 1-07-08-38

From Military Times a couple days ago:

WASHINGTON — In the midst of worsening violence in the South Sudan, the Obama administration informed Congress Thursday evening that it deployed soldiers from the U.S. Army’s East Africa Response Force to the capital of Juba to help evacuate American citizens and ensure the safety of embassy personnel there.

The 45 combat-ready soldiers are part of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division based in Fort Riley, Kansas, but who are on a year-long deployment in the Army’s Regionally Aligned Forces program, which marries brigade combat teams with combatant commands around the world to thicken their ranks.

http://www.militarytimes.com/article/20 ... ican-Union
As much as I hope I am wrong I suspect that the world is in for at least 100 more years of such problems.

As we saw in places such as Northern Ireland it is not until the people rise up and saw enough, there has to be a better way, will things change. As hard as it might seem, trying to impose an outside model, as good as it might be, on someone else just will not work. For those of you reading this in the USA look at health care, most of the rest of the world use some form of national health care, often free or at least subsidized, apparently an attempt to introduce something like that with you has not gone well, if posts I read are correct.

No two places and circumstances are the same but there is a model out there that has worked and could be worth trying. 50 years ago Ed Hillary sat down and asked the Sherpa people of Everest if there was anything he could do to help them. As a outsider it might have seemed obvious but they asked for schools so their kids could join the modern world with eyes that could see. Then they asked for help with medical care. Now and from as soon as they became trained those schools and hospitals have been staffed with locals and the Sherpa people have taken their place in today's world. There are other places where a similar approach is showing signs of working as well.

The point is maybe asking and not telling, standing beside and not over, speaking softly, but carry a big enough stick and a whole host of similar ways may just bring about the wish that so many have asked for at this time of years for so many years and one day there will be peace on earth and good will among all people. Till then be safe and good wishes to all.
Huntallyeardownhere said:
As much as I hope I am wrong I suspect that the world is in for at least 100 more years of such problems.

As we saw in places such as Northern Ireland it is not until the people rise up and saw enough, there has to be a better way, will things change. As hard as it might seem, trying to impose an outside model, as good as it might be, on someone else just will not work. For those of you reading this in the USA look at health care, most of the rest of the world use some form of national health care, often free or at least subsidized, apparently an attempt to introduce something like that with you has not gone well, if posts I read are correct.

No two places and circumstances are the same but there is a model out there that has worked and could be worth trying. 50 years ago Ed Hillary sat down and asked the Sherpa people of Everest if there was anything he could do to help them. As a outsider it might have seemed obvious but they asked for schools so their kids could join the modern world with eyes that could see. Then they asked for help with medical care. Now and from as soon as they became trained those schools and hospitals have been staffed with locals and the Sherpa people have taken their place in today's world. There are other places where a similar approach is showing signs of working as well.

The point is maybe asking and not telling, standing beside and not over, speaking softly, but carry a big enough stick and a whole host of similar ways may just bring about the wish that so many have asked for at this time of years for so many years and one day there will be peace on earth and good will among all people. Till then be safe and good wishes to all.

The other day, a talking head on MSNBC proposed a "Mincome" (minimum income ) for every adult in the USA, that would be provided by the Federal Govt. The question is where does the money come from? It comes from taxes, large and small. Same with Obamacare. A fine British lady some years ago stated that the trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.

Nobody is against adequate health care, but most of us are against wealth redistribution especially when it is forced. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not what this country is about.
Huntallyeardownhere said:
most of the rest of the world use some form of national health care, often free or at least subsidized, apparently an attempt to introduce something like that with you has not gone well, if posts I read are correct.

My posts equate to, not liking being MADE to buy something whether I want to or not. I have always decided what is right for me and my family. Not be made to.

Now if I were to pay insurance, the price would go from an already burden of $425 a month to over $600 a month for the same coverage as I had before.

And that's not even taking into consideration if I could still go to my local doctor of choice. Not all doctors accept all insurance, and many local doctors and medical facilities are even considering not accepting medicaid at all now (which is a government insurance policy for elderly and disabled) because they have their own rules and policies.

And if I can't afford it and don't buy insurance, I have to pay thousands of dollars in tax penalties. What I don't understand is if I can't afford to pay the cost of insurance, how the hell I'm going to be able to afford thousands of dollars to the government in fines every year.

The health care act had one good thing in it. The insurance companies for years could turn you down for a pre-existing condition, and now they can't.

But that would only take a paragraph to have changed the rules.

Instead, we have several thousand of pages of new regulation, will have to pay for some services (like abortion) even if we feel it is wrong, whether religious beliefs or what, we still have to pay for it.

The health care law is also adversely affecting our economy because now people are spending more on insurance, so there is less money to spend on everything else, which is hurting both local economies and federal economies.

Anyone else notice profits from the biggest shopping season of the year (black Friday and cyber Monday) were intentionally expanded for a week, and still came up with less money in circulation.

Employers have cut hours to avoid them having to pay insurance, which again, leaves for less money circulating in our economy because people cannot support a family on 25 or 29 hours a week. No one could.

We're not complaining about the insurance per say.

Before, you either had it, or you didn't, and you either paid high premiums and deductibles if you went to the doctor, or you paid the full price for the service.

All insurance was is a paid discount.

Just like a membership card for a particular store.

Now with it being MANDANTORY, and with the way the law(s) have been written, has more negative effects than positive.

Unless you're already below the poverty level, then your insurance is paid by someone who makes more money because they are charged more for their insurance to make up the difference for the insurance companies.

And being required to pay the insurance for your children until they are 26 years old.

I'm sorry, but when my kids grow up and start working and have kids and families of their own, it's time for them to be responsible for themselves.

That's how it worked when I got married and started having kids and a full time job and bills and everything else that goes along with coming of age.

Just to be perfectly honest and blunt, it pisses me off to no end.

The only people benefitting from this is the insurance companies and those tools who get big kickbacks from the insurance companies who made the law.

This should really be split into its' own topic.
No problem from me if you wish to start a new topic however these posts have just proven my point, imposed solutions to perceived problems, especially if there are other issues involved where someone or somethings power and money are involved seldom work and our current way of solving the worlds problems will only perpetuate the issues that this thread started with, there has to be a better way or is it true that we are hard wired to reject the concept of living in harmony with each other, I for one hope not.
Huntallyeardownhere said:
.......... there has to be a better way or is it true that we are hard wired to reject the concept of living in harmony with each other, I for one hope not.

Actually the entire universe - including all life on this planet - is hardwired for competition. Competition (including warfare) is an essential ingredient of biological and cultural evolution. Even in bacteria. Examples of this are found everywhere you look.

At the same time, alliances are sometimes formed between species, and other tribes or groups, etc, if it is in their mutual interest to do so in order to perpetuate their particular set of DNA. Certain birds and crocodiles for example cooperate - the bird gets lunch and the croc gets clean teeth. Walnut and other trees produce toxins that prevent other species from growing in their territory. Ants are particularly good at warfare with neighboring hills, and some species even take slaves.

People are nothing special when it comes down to it, except in a technological sense.
As long as humans populate the earth, there will be war and fighting... It's been this way for recorded history and will never change.

Even if we were banded together for some greater cause (pick any doomsday scinario here) eventually someone would want the power back, and fighting would continue.

Best thing we can do is look out for our family and friends... And do so by any means neccisary, with the best tools available to us.
That part of Africa is a ticking time bomb - I think they caught whatever the Middle East has, because they are just has unstable and even more violent. Classic case of using terror by a group to intimidate a population - won't be but a couple years and that will be a place like Yemen if it's let go far enough. Only people that Muslims seem to like killing more than any other religion is their own religion when they try to "westernize"

South Sudan. Oil. Need I say more?

And, to hit on the third topic in this thread, check this out:
http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB1 ... 2042143502

Is this one of those "I was for it before I was against it" things? If everybody can claim a mandate because it's too expensive and then go back to their old plan...does it still exist?

I'm continuously befuddled by what our country is doing to itself, much less how it's acting internationally.
Not this one.

This particular group exists with the sole purpose of ridding the region of "Western" education. They target schools, usually attack in the middle of the night, and slaughter all the students. Freakin cowards...