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European Union dictators.


.270 WIN
The European dictatorship in Brussels has been wagging the finger and barking orders at "member states" to implement it's "European firearms directive" across Europe. The Czechs, the Hungarians, the Slovaks and the Poles have all told the E.U to POKE their "directive" where the sun don't shine.........Sadly not the Portuguese. It's a bit long winded but persevere and have a read. It is an utter travesty, stomping all over the rights of law abiding people whilst doing NOTHING to address criminality and terrorism.

This is a translation from Portuguese to Spanish and then to English by me.


A follower of ANARMA in Portugal have sent us an email with a summary of the transposition of the directive for that country. As you can read it is a direct attack on the liberties of honest Portuguese citizens. We know that in this outrage has been seen in part by Central Arms and Explosives Intervention (ICAE), since we have information on several trips to Lisbon from one of its leaders, when it was being prepared, some of them even public.

"In Portugal, new legislation on weapons is being prepared, but with it, many basic rights are being eliminated and overnight and citizens who respect the law are criminalised ...

This proposal was delivered last Friday 10th and the deadline for the response is until Wednesday 15th, which leaves us 2 business days to respond (Wednesday is a national holiday).

Attached you can find the proposal, but here for you are some important points that I think are the most crucial:

- The deactivation of a firearm means PERMANENT DESTRUCTION: if the person has obtained the weapon legally, this means that he is obliged in certain cases to allow the government to destroy a personal possession.

- Weapons (long guns) will be considered military grade (A) include weapons of any kind (semiautomatic, repetition, etc.) that have at least ONE of the following: Removable stock, Thumb hole stock, pistol grip or forward hand grip, Grenade launcher or Bipod or more than one picatinny rail.

-This means that a rifle fitted with a bipod is considered a military weapon and its possession leads to at least 2 years in prison. Normal rifles like the CZ 455 ( with a bipod ) will get you prison time!

If you have a Marlin 45-70 lever action with a picatinny rail of more than 5 cm long, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL.

- The penalty for possessing a firearm with the configuration of a military weapon is EXACTLY the same as if you possess a nuclear or biological weapon.

- All components of ammunition (such as cases and projectiles) are ALSO considered ammunition, and reloading without the prior authorization of the Police is considered a crime.

- The possession of magazines with a capacity of more than 20 cartridges for pistols and more than 10 cartridges for long guns is considered a crime punishable by imprisonment and a prohibition for the owner to have a weapon permit for any reason (including sport or hunting) FOR LIFE.

- If you have magazines with these characteristics, you have 6 months to destroy them, sell them abroad or give them away for the police to use them .....

- Hunters can only have 10 rifles and 15 shotguns: hunters who have more have to sell them, destroy them or give them to the police.

- The “inherited” license that allowed the possession of weapons at home without the possibility of buying ammunition or use disappears. But that habitually was used to maintain the arms of a deceased and that had sentimental value.

- The self-defense license is tightened and the shameful and unacceptable Spanish model is copied.

There is great concern among Portuguese users over this abuse of their freedoms, which is but one more example of the “libertarian” drift and covert dictatorship experienced by the alleged European democracies.

TOMORROW we will try from this FACEBOOK page to coordinate some civic protest action so that our Portuguese brothers can protest in an organized way.

So as an example your Remington BDL bolt action rifle if you were to attach a BIPOD it then becomes a "military weapon" and your'e going to jail for two years.

Give your magazine to the Police so they can use them ????? WHAT ?????.

Do not give the progressives, democrats, socialists, communists nor any other type do-gooder gun grabbers any concessions whatsoever on your 2nd Amendment rights.

Do not give them an inch. Or this could be you ?

Make no mistake about it ladies and gentlemen REGISTRATION LEADS TO CONFISCATION.
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Thank you Malagamarksman.

There is a little town in California not far from where I live called Malaga, & lots of towns here are named after towns in Europe. We have many portugee dairymen and ranchers here.

If the Venezuelans had guns they wouldn't be in the trouble that they are in now. The criminals would be in jail instead of the State House, and their country would be operating the way they used to, before the government decided they had the right to control everything for everybody. They had criminals in control of their country and not enough guns to fend them off and now the entire country is in ruin.

I see most countries heading in the same direction whether they claim to be socialist or not because the true problem is criminals in power.

Donald Trump is the most hated man in American politics because he promised he would remove criminals from government.

Many people don't realize that the US is a country of Outlaws ruled by Outlaws (just ask King George III) the good citizens all own guns in order to protect themselves and their property.

Meanwhile, in other countries where Outlaws rule the government, people are without hope because they gave up their guns.

If criminals didn't run the government they wouldn't be worried about people shooting at them, and confiscations would never happen.

Of course the rulers claim that this is all for the citizen's protection, as the impoverished and oppressed in their countries cause a huge Ruckus in response to their deteriorating conditions and government corruption.

I'm not too worried about ever being disarmed in the United States because we have the widespread technology to build guns in any shed or garage.

And the thing is that when people start having to do that the guns they will build are constrained by no standards of Civility treaty or law.

Once the government treats you as the atomic bomber just for owning a common rifle, people will build outlandish and deadly weapons of their own.

In California we are on the verge of the same gun confiscation Madness and a few people have played along with it and signed up to have their guns confiscated and destroyed. Fortunately a whole lot of the people & police here are veterans and the family and children of veterans, and they are patriotic.

Huge numbers of gun owners did not sign up for this recent registration, and in spite of extended moratoriums and such have still not signed up.

In fact lawsuits in California are fighting this measure right now, and it appears they may have some success in maintaining gun rights.

Our State registration system had many flaws in it, and there were protests and lawsuits about that.

And because these laws were written by criminals, and not honest people, they were not honestly thought out.

They ( along with much of the non-owning public) also didn't remember that this failed 20 years ago when they tried it, but lots of gun owners remembered.
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Thats why we can't get out of the EU quick enough...!!

The problem is our Prime minister, Theresa May, was a "Remain-er"...(one who wanted to stay in the EU), and even though shes said that its the will of the people to leave, and she'll uphold that, its almost like shes putting obstacle after obstacle in the way, and getting us the worst possible deal.... so 10 years down the line the "Remain-ers" can say "see, we told you it was a bad idea.."
I think she IS the negative pressure... and Junker, the head of the EU is probably helping with "offers she can't refuse"
I am really worried about this. I live in Malaga SPAIN, I have had this happen to me before in England when Blair took our cartridge pistols away from us.

We have just had a new Prime Minister "installed" in Spain, a "Champagne socialist" called Pedro Sanchez. He is NOT elected !

The previous ELECTED Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was "removed" following allegations of corruption. Coincidentally just in time for when the Italians closed all of their seaports to NGO "humanitarian" ships carrying hoards of Africans trying to get to Europe.

Sanchez opened the floodgates and allowed them to dock in Spain. My worry is that COMMUNISTS (lets call him what he is) like Sanchez historically won't allow anybody except themselves else to possess firearms.

I can see this Portuguese travesty coming over the border here in my direction ?
When we thought gun sales might cease, or become very expensive. Americans bought record numbers of guns.

The party fighting us saw a boost in revenue, and attributed it to their leadership. Hah! Liars, all of them. It was because of their cowardice!

Anyhow, voters took notice & we voted them out.

A general nationwide strike would be a good anti-communist move in my opinion, and if you could get everyone to go along then the Army would have to start doing all those things that normally ordinary folks do for the government.

The Army hates to do those things and would probably change sides rather quickly.
I am really worried about this. I live in Malaga SPAIN, I have had this happen to me before in England when Blair took our cartridge pistols away from us.

We have just had a new Prime Minister "installed" in Spain, a "Champagne socialist" called Pedro Sanchez. He is NOT elected !

The previous ELECTED Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was "removed" following allegations of corruption. Coincidentally just in time for when the Italians closed all of their seaports to NGO "humanitarian" ships carrying hoards of Africans trying to get to Europe.

Sanchez opened the floodgates and allowed them to dock in Spain. My worry is that COMMUNISTS (lets call him what he is) like Sanchez historically won't allow anybody except themselves else to possess firearms.

I can see this Portuguese travesty coming over the border here in my direction ?

Based on human history... if they start coming door to door for guns it would be in your best interest to give it to them, bullets first.
Based on human history... if they start coming door to door for guns it would be in your best interest to give it to them, bullets first.

OR.....................Sorry Officer you say you are here for my Mossberg shotgun and my Glock. Thankfully you have just saved me a journey. I was just about to come to the Police station to make a report. I lost them overboard when I was fishing yesterday !!!!!

Your'e asking for permission to search my house ?...............................Feel free to waste your time no problem.
OR.....................Sorry Officer you say you are here for my Mossberg shotgun and my Glock. Thankfully you have just saved me a journey. I was just about to come to the Police station to make a report. I lost them overboard when I was fishing yesterday !!!!!

Your'e asking for permission to search my house ?...............................Feel free to waste your time no problem.

lol... well it says you have em and now you don't. Get on the train with the other liars. I'm sure we can sort it out in the steam chamber.
The slippery slope has no bottom. When Hillary was defeated we thought we were safe. Now we have local governments trying to usurp the constitution every day. It's always liberals leading the charge and finding courts and judges that will support their view .
I think how this works is that as long as everybody owns guns then the government can't take them from anyone. As soon as half the people quit owning/wanting guns then the government can take them from everyone.
I think how this works is that as long as everybody owns guns then the government can't take them from anyone. As soon as half the people quit owning/wanting guns then the government can take them from everyone.

Well in the USA that would equate to engaging over 100M individuals. If 2% resist that's 2 million fire fights either individually or people coming together to militia up in guerrilla warfare type retaliation.

if one to two people can shut down an entire city (think Boston Bombers or Chris Dorner in CA)... Imagine the carnage if it turns into a civil warfare.

Something I'd like not to come to.
Monkey, I think you are right, except I think the percentage of resistors would be much higher. It is a terrible thought but the liberals and their extreme groups seem hell bent for leather to push the country to that very scenario.

They are showing a willingness to make things their way and will use any means possible.