I didn't see anyone discussing ways or when it is morally or legally allowed to kill someone.
The law doesn't deal with 'morality' and the rest is now such a grey area and by design. They want us feeling scared about using a gun it's part of the end around the 2nd amendment which they never have to touch to get the guns out. Just keep the gun owners fearing they'll lose everything in a civil trial or just as bad going to prison.
And depending on where you live and if White heaven forbid you ever have to shoot someone who isn't White.
How bad is it getting you may ask, where I am at we have to retreat inside our own home. How they can prove you didn't is another matter, but never the less it's messed up.
People are so focused on the 2nd amendment they don't even realize what is happening.
And if you are using Obamacare or on Medicare be very careful when you go in for your yearly check-ups, they slipped some non medical questions in there and the wrong answer will get you flagged, which means no more guns for you. (and Trump ain't doing a damn thing for any of us)