its pretty huge. The spine is 0.250” thick, 1085 carbon steel with a rubber grip and a full tang. I’m going to either keep it on my tractor or in my duck coop so I’m never far from a big farking knife.
I should post up a YOUTUBE video of me doing some batonning with it because for sure YouTube does not have any batonning vids of some guy hammering on the back of a knife blade.. Maybe I could start a trend for how to split kindling with a big knife and a stick of wood. I would be a GENIUS!
What is about knives? Honestly, I like nearly anyone I see and want it. I have zero use for all the knives I have, but I just love 'em. Always have since I was a young boy.
I pried an old pallet apart with it just to abuse it a bit. I made some feather sticks to start a charcoal BBQ fire. And i pruned back a few cedar branches (large twigs) that I didn't like to mow under. A machete and a hatchet and almost any other knife would have been just as good, though!