They're literally saying the same exact thing calling pistols rifles now because of the brace.
Logically and technically, it's the same exact thing as reclassifying firearms as short barrel shotguns if they had a brace, yet they are not treating them the equally under color of the law.
First let me state that I do NOT agree with the new brace rule one bit.
The ATF is using the legal definitions of a pistol, rifle, shotgun, and "firearm"
The Legal definition of a pistols is any gun designed to be shot one hand. Yes we all normally use two hands but the legal definition is one handed.
The legal definition of a rifle is a gun that has a rifled barrel at least 16" long and overall length of at least 26" and is designed to be fired using two hands with a shoulder stock.
The legal definition of a shotgun is a gun that has a smoothbore barrel at least 18" long and overall length of at least 26" and is designed to be fired using two hands with a shoulder stock.
The legal definition of a "firearm" is anything that does not meet the above definitions yet has an overall length of at least 26", designed to be fired using two hands and is designed to be used without a shouldering the gun nor ever has had a shoulder stock installed.
If a "firearm" is less than 26" in overall length then it is a NFA regulated AOW - Any Other Weapon. HINT leave the beards head grip on with the 14" barrel to stay legal without having to file a Form 1 as a SBS or NFA AOW.
So any smoothbore firearm such as the Shockwave, Tac 13/14, and similar were never designed to be shot one handed nor have a stock then they are NOT eligible for the pistol brace rule to register them as a SBR on a Tax Free Form 1.
You can still register a smoothbore firearm as a SBS but you will have to pay the $200 tax that is required by the 1934 NFA.
Whether any of us agree with the new rule or not, it is what it is. We will have to wait until either the courts rule the brace rule unconstitutional or Congress passes laws to stop the brace rule. But none of that changes the legal definitions of a pistol, rifle, shotgun, or firearm. And the Shockwave IS a firearm that does not meet the legal definitions of a pistol, rifle or shotgun.
You can do what you want with the information I posted, you can choose to comply or not comply, that is YOUR choice that only YOU can make.
PS: If you don't like what the brace rule is, don't attack me for it, I had nothing to do with it at all. I am only passing the information along so each and every person can make an informed decision for themselves.