They should, that's a really nice collection of knives.
A knife is a timeless heirloom.
I have a few more things that I have locked up in my safe, but they're not really knives. My Great Grandfathers horse hair shaving brush, a matchbox car (a true matchbox car that is shaped like a Model T that would fit in a matchbox) that used to belong to my Dad when he was a little boy and some other things. The matchbox car even still has the little piece of leather tab over the seat.
This is the bulk of my collection. Most of them have been given to me, some of the others I've bought and used a lot over the years. There are also some challenge coins that I have been given over the years by good friends of mine.
Below are the knives that have been handed down to me. The Owls Head *UK Wildcats* knife was my late Father-In-Laws. He picked this knife up not long before he passed away.
The next 3 knives in a row were my Grandfathers. The bone handled one has been handed down twice now. The bottom one was his daily carry.
The stainless knife on the far right was my Grandmothers. It had previously been my Uncles. Story I was told was that he either picked it up or was issued it during his service in WW2 though it doesn't looks like any other issue knife I have ever seen so I assume he probably won it in a poker game. There are also some of his Zippos in the picture.
I have a few of my wifes stepdads knives too, but they're not in the pictures. The little round plastic container has some ancient pottery in it that me and my uncle had dug up. We sent it to University of KY and they carbon dated it to between 970-1009 AD.