Hello. Glad to be part of this group. A while back I became the owner of a 22 bolt action rifle that my uncle had when he was a kid growing up back in the 1930's. When I got it was put in the back of my closet and honestly forgot about it until a few days ago when I stumble across it in my closet. It's a Wards Western Field No.46 and sold by Montgomery Ward back in the day. Searching the internet I found out it's actually a Mossberg 42. To be 80 some years old the gun is in pretty good shape. Looks to be all original but is missing the 7 round magazine and the rear peep sight. I think they call it a #3 sight. Looks like the magazine is easily avalible on Ebay and other sites even though it's a little pricey. But the peep sight is a different story. I haven't run across any yet of the type that came on this 22 originally. Here are some pics I took.