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pictures that make you lol

More helmet laws equates to better motorcycle safety like more gun laws equates to a safer society (look at Chicago). Helmets are a choice in many places and as an adult I have the right to choose. I've known many people that have been killed on bikes and it is 50/50 on whether a helmet would have helped. Helmets don't help much when some nimrod runs a light and T-bones you at 50 mph...or some other moron turns left in front of you when you're running 50.

I will agree that in some instances a helmet would have helped but not anywhere near all of them. I've been riding since the 70's...I've ridden both lidless and with one. I choose, at this time, to wear one 100% of the time (mandatory for work).

All the BS opinions about lidless riders being a drain on society and the medical community need to look at the drain from our inner cities and uninsured citizens. I carry extra to cover the clueless drivers that have only the state minimum and would leave me in a deep financial hole if they hit me.

As for loud pipes, well, I've had a set or two that would wake the dead. Now they are more of an annoyance to me especially since I work on them everyday. My hearing sucks (two hearing aids) and I wear ear plugs whenever I'm on a bike (or using a lawnmower, weed-wacker, compressor, etc.). Loud pipes save lives but you'll go deaf before too long...;).

Its not about lives, its about choice.
If a man wants to take his life and put it on the line then he should be able to do it

If a person was putting others lives in danger by not wearing a helmet then it would be different

freedom of choice

A lot of folks don't ride a bike to be stuffing their head in a helmet, in fact it can ruin the experience for some folks.......they dont want to wear one ....who cares

I dont ride on the street , I rode competitive off road.....helmet every ride....and yes it has paid off big.....as all the rest of the PPE did

However I understand the other side of the coin , I grew up till the age of 8 on the floor of a Harley shop run by my dad Straight Satans MC/ Venice, Ca
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I like riding in states w/o mandatory helmet laws because then I am wearing because I want to, not because I have to.
I rode for many years and worked in the motorcycle business. I agree wholeheartedly that you should not be forced to wear a helmet if you choose not to. Or a seat belt for that matter. I personally have never ridden a motorcycle without a helmet and had the damaged helmets to prove their worth. I had more than one customer that had minor spills that became tragedies as well as friends that were killed wearing one. To each his own. As stated above make sure you are insured. Loud pipes I believe do help in being seen, but obnoxiously loud pipes make all of us look like assholes. A little common sense goes a long way.
I don't believe helmet laws are good or necessary, and I have ridden many helmetless miles without injury.

But I believe helmets are a damn fine idea.

With one I've survived without injury, where injury would have been certain.

I've been injured without one where injury would have been avoided.

Most of all I want my grandkids to wear a helmet. I do my best to set a good example for them.
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Long story. My motorcycle crash, if I had a helmet on I would be in a wheelchair now.
Busted head some stitches in it, still walking.
No law in my state.....I dont wear a helmet.

I should add still walking, but my right femur is steel.

Kind of like seatbelts I guess....