Typical canned response letter.
Doesn't sound anti2a, just makes me wonder how pro2a he is as well. Hal Rogers (R-KY) is the same way.
I've pestered for more direct responses as well, but until it moves to the floor for a vote, amendments can be added and essentially poison pilled in some instances and until it's read on the floor for a vote, I probably couldn't commit to vote or not for anything until the fat lady sings if I were in his shoes either because until that point, everything is hypothetical scenarios.
FWIW, I do not like the thought of universal background checks. I do not believe it would stop crime from happening because the only people this would negatively affect is otherwise law abiding citizens, and is a path for universal registration.
I would not support anything of the sort.
I used to didn't have a problem with criminal background checks and supported them. Until the government added a lot of veterans to the list despite not being convicted of a crime, that's when my opinion did a 180. The NICS check was abused in the highest manner.
Then I grew up some more and realized that criminals don't follow the law in the first place. The gov can make all the laws they want, but a criminal will never follow a law that he doesn't want to follow and making more laws isnt' going to change it. Including paying for a background check, which this law is also going to increase the cost of gun ownerships by default.
Another reason why I am not a fan of this. It negatively affects the poorest Americans, and they are just as important as the richest ones in my book.