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Russian oil...


New reports the last two days claimed the United States imported about 230,000,000 barrels of oil last year from Russia. It was like 520,000 barrels per day. Meanwhile, our gas prices have gone up 40%, and our oil companies are under attack by our own government.

What the hell is really going on ?
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

It is said that that there is more oil in the rocky mountains than all of the middle east combined.

But, don't let that worry anyone. The gov won't let anyone touch it, until they can monopolize it and the the last remaining deposit on earth, where it will be worth the most.

biden i did that.JPG
Our gas prices are soaring right now...$1.75/L, saw them hit $1.80/L the other day.

That's roughly $5.22USD/GAL.....how you like them apples? I can sure tell ya they taste like crap to me!!! LOL
Gas is almost six dollars a gallon here for the good stuff guys. That means 91 octane with 10% ethanol.

Hmmm…that’s 0.158 cents per ml. Or $1.58/litre

You can get cheap stuff for under five bucks if you go to the greasy station on the other side of the airport.
Russia is the third largest exporter of oil into the USA. But that is by choice,, not necessity.

We can shop elsewhere and not buy oil from Putin.

I wish Biden would reverse his decision and open the Canadian pipeline.
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It's increased almost .20c gallon here since last Friday.

The AOCs of the world are loving this. In their mind this accelerate the demise of fossil fuels, when actually it shows how we depend on them in our day to day lives.

If, or perhaps when is more appropriate, gas fired power plants start shutting down in Europe some of those idiots will come to their senses. Greta Thunberg comes to mind.
Maybe, being winter, a couple things could happen to AOC.

First of all, she will smack up her new Tesla, and she will find out that you can’t get the damn things fixed. Nobody can “officially” fix a bent Tesla except Tesla, and they generally won’t do it because they claim that once the car has been in any real accident, it’s not economical to fix it in a safe manner.

In fact, they turn off the computer so you can’t use it anymore. It doesn’t matter if you straighten out the fenders and the frame, for the car won’t run.

She’s gonna wind up riding around in a gasoline powered taxi. LOL

Then she’ll find out that her insurance doesn’t cover an electric rental car. She will have to rent a gasoline powered car. Then she will find out that there is a big waiting list for the new Teslas and she will have to wait even longer to get hers, once the insurance company decides to pay out on her accident. It won’t be enough and of course there will be a huge deductible plus a shortfall of thousands of dollars.

This will piss her off so bad, her judgment on everything will be even more clouded, and she will quickly wind up in a second accident.

Not fatal, I hope, but enough to smack some sense into her head about where things are really going.
Russia is the third largest exporter of oil into the USA. But that is by choice,, not necessity.

We can shop elsewhere and not buy oil from Putin.

I wish Biden would reverse his decision and open the Canadian pipeline.
You and millions of other people wish the same thing. Not to mention I'm sure the oil companies that spent billions on the Keystone project with nothing to show for it but a big headache.
Maybe, being winter, a couple things could happen to AOC.

First of all, she will smack up her new Tesla, and she will find out that you can’t get the damn things fixed. Nobody can “officially” fix a bent Tesla except Tesla, and they generally won’t do it because they claim that once the car has been in any real accident, it’s not economical to fix it in a safe manner.

In fact, they turn off the computer so you can’t use it anymore. It doesn’t matter if you straighten out the fenders and the frame, for the car won’t run.

She’s gonna wind up riding around in a gasoline powered taxi. LOL

Then she’ll find out that her insurance doesn’t cover an electric rental car. She will have to rent a gasoline powered car. Then she will find out that there is a big waiting list for the new Teslas and she will have to wait even longer to get hers, once the insurance company decides to pay out on her accident. It won’t be enough and of course there will be a huge deductible plus a shortfall of thousands of dollars.

This will piss her off so bad, her judgment on everything will be even more clouded, and she will quickly wind up in a second accident.

Not fatal, I hope, but enough to smack some sense into her head about where things are really going.

Why not fatal ? The world would be a better place.
You and millions of other people wish the same thing. Not to mention I'm sure the oil companies that spent billions on the Keystone project with nothing to show for it but a big headache.

I remember Obama coming to Cushing Oklahoma to talk about the Keystone, then turning it over to Hillary's state department. They never had any intention of approving it,but were just letting the oil companies spend their money and trying to get it approved. Those are two of the most arrogant, narcissistic, assholes that ever walked the earth.
I remember Obama coming to Cushing Oklahoma to talk about the Keystone, then turning it over to Hillary's state department. They never had any intention of approving it,but were just letting the oil companies spend their money and trying to get it approved. Those are two of the most arrogant, narcissistic, assholes that ever walked the earth.
Not unlike the US coal sector, the Canadian oil industry has been in a relative nosedive for nearly a decade. The sad part is it's always the little guy that takes the kicking, absorbs the real losses...not the losses of millions or even billions on some oil companies ledger either. Real they may be too but the difference is reduced dividends and executive bonuses for already wealthy people versus Joe the roughneck or Jack the miner that can't make his truck payment and is on the verge of losing everything including his home.

Just prior to the big Fort Mac wildfire in 2016 guys and gals in the oil patch were selling off all their toys and even turning over the keys to their houses and just to keep the wolf away from the door. Then they all got the proverbial kick in the teeth from the wildfire...even those who had been conservative with their spending were losing their homes and their jobs and had nowhere to go. It's no wonder JT next to never sets foot in Alberta. There is a definite chance of lead poisoning there.
I live in the US coal fields.

the democrats and the epa have all but assured a slow painful death. There's a couple hundred more years in coal reserves here, even though we have mined coal here for more than 100 already. But, it does no one any good without mines operating to dig it out.

If nothing else, obamas promise to bankrupt coal, was the truth if it was ever spoken.

But he wouldn't last 10 minutes alone with any miner that ever walked the face of the earth.

Mining picked up for a few years with trump, but there's only maybe 3 operating mines in my county right now. Compared to when I was young, there was probably 40.
We have some pretty large coal reserves here in BC too. Not sure how big the reserves are but about 48% of Canada's coal comes from the BC side of the Rockies and we currently sit with 11 permitted coal mines, there are many more that I assume could be re-opened if the permit requirements were met. That said, very little stays in Canada. Most is exported to....where else??? China and other Asian countries, with some going south to you folks as well.
This info is already dated - the invasion is on going and today oil is over $105 per barrel!

Russia pumps over 10 million barrels of oil per day. Oil was $74/bbl back in December when Putin moved his troops to the border. Today it is at $94 /bbl, which is an increase of $20 per barrel. That gives Putin a bonus of TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS per day, over the old $74 price.

Take that for 30 days in a month and bingo, he gets an EXTRA $ 6 BILLION per month, over and above the money he generates at the old $74 price. So by moving his troops to the border and threatening an invasion, he pockets an EXTRA $ 6 BILLION DOLLARS per month, without firing a shot.

The price of oil goes up 27% because of the fear of an invasion and Putin enjoys the large amount of extra money. The higher world price of oil translates to higher gasoline prices for Americans and extra economic pain for our people.

This threatened invasion tactic gives extra money to Putin and causes economic hardships in the USA - a definite win-win for Putin.

The loss of our oil independence with the closing of the Keystone pipeline is coming back to bite us.

Biden -- yes the one who’s been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision in the past 50 years -- after taking over has all but passed a full mandate to prohibited US companies from drilling for oil on federal land."