Yeah, too much word salad . . .
Save your money, buy ammunition, practice.
America really runs on consumerism at the base of things. As long as people keep buying guns and ammo and companies keep making it, and people keep working there and paying tax this system is sort of self-sustaining.
In order to break into the system and cause it to fail requires that Democrats have special rules just for themselves.
Rules like: "We should take your guns now and sort out the problems later".
Rules like: Society has to, at all times, cater to the lowest possible level of morality so as not to exclude freaks and perverts and those unfortunate victims of addictions and criminal lifestyles.
Rules like: Only white people are racist.
Rules like: Poor Unfortunate people are entitled to have whatever you have and the government has the right and duty to force that transfer.
OMG it's just too depressing. . .