As of this writing, I don't know WHO I'm going to vote for. I too, wish Trumpy would STFU.

He is not helping anyone, especially himself.
While I think the act and/or notion of abortion is abhorrent, Ronny D screwed himself by signing the bill I mentioned above. My state rep was one of the sponsors and I'm seriously thinking of running against him as an Independent or Libertarian. Not that I will win or that I have the time or desire, but I will surely steal votes from him and probably allow a Dumpocrap to take the seat. I really do NOT want that.
My thought on abortion is that the people that WANT them NEED them.

If they want to self-control their population, I'm all for that. But I really think that anyone against them needs to provide an alternative like free contraception and/or sterilization, and the Florida bill does not.