In my effort to use up a bunch of spare parts I have lying around, I built up an F5 Manufacturing Can Launcher with the golf ball attachment. I know alot of people turn down their noses at something like this, but I think it will be alot of fun.
This is an updated photo as I picked up a Spike's Pineapple Grenade lower receiver @ the LGS. It was the only receiver they had then and they still have not gotten anymore in since then. I put it on here because it goes with the theme of the launcher. I also put a Sightmark Core-Shot A Spec red dot on it. I have 2 of these now and they seem like solid little sights. This one is sighted in at 15 yards with a golfball. It puts them in the chest of the target every time. I built it as a fun gun but thought it would make a decent non-lethal option too.
This is an updated photo as I picked up a Spike's Pineapple Grenade lower receiver @ the LGS. It was the only receiver they had then and they still have not gotten anymore in since then. I put it on here because it goes with the theme of the launcher. I also put a Sightmark Core-Shot A Spec red dot on it. I have 2 of these now and they seem like solid little sights. This one is sighted in at 15 yards with a golfball. It puts them in the chest of the target every time. I built it as a fun gun but thought it would make a decent non-lethal option too.
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