Pawpaw, I haven't shot it, but the bdc seems that it would be convoluted at best.
I haven't been able to install the firmware update because either the scope isn't accepting it or I'm doing it wrong (probably the latter), but from what I can see, you'd have to have a smart device tied to it in wifi to input the settings, but here is the tablet screen for the bdc
OK, for the nitty gritty.
I have been using it for 30-40 minutes so far, mostly with the wifi enabled because I've been trying to figure out how to update the firmware, but I have also taken a few video's just to learn how. I will update the topic with a video later after dark so I can get day and night video of the same areas for image quality comparisons. I will also use both the white and green night vision types.
As foggy as it is, I'm certain that the usable range will be decreased, but that's good. At least I'll know what to expect because it's not always sunny and 72 degrees and nice out so I'm glad to be seeing how it does in inclement weather.
The scope weighs 50.1 ounces with batteries and microsd card installed. I currently am using Duracell 2400 maH rechargeable batteries. I also have some Tenergy Premium 2600 maH rechargeable batteries incoming as well. Just for reference, the Duracells were showing 1.35 volts.
I will include video to the topic later tonight. I'm going to note the yardage with my rangefinder to get an idea of the sight picture, and also quality at those distances. Just remember that the fog is thick and visibility is less than 300 yards anyway because I can't even make out the mountain on the other side of the holler from where I am at right now.
I am going to try both the IR light that came with it, and also my old surefire G2 with IR lens. I will note that the G2 used to wash out my old NV scope at the close distances so I'm not sure how it will work with this one yet either. It had a lot of visible red light too. The new IR light is not nearly as visible with the naked eye.
I will also say, that for anyone wanting to use this scope for HD, it probably won't work for that. The magnification is too much for it at very close range that you would see inside of a house, but with a little distance in between you and the target, seems to be doing pretty good.
I have also noted that during the day mode, at long and short distances, I have had to adjust the focus when going to/from short and longer distance.
More later.