Hi. I just recently rediscovered a knife I remember seeing for the first time probably in my early twenties, so maybe 20 years ago. I remember where I was, it was one of our first apartments, my son was likely an infant. If the internet existed I wasn't aware of it. This was when people actually got catalogues and had to write letters and things took longer. It was in a catalogue I first saw it. I saw a photo of it again recently and didn't know for sure it was a Buck knife. I only remembered what knives I was really liking at the time, Boker, Buck, Gerber, SOG, and maybe another. I had to do some digging tonight, (made possible by the internet), and I found it. I knew exactly what it looked like, though I took the long way around and looked at everything similar just to rule those out. It was the Buck Vanguard with rubberized handle. This is going to have to be the next knife I purchase.
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