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Mossberg Representative Taaffe Caligiuri was available at the 2012 SHOT Show to show us their new 12 gauge shotgun FLEX system. This is an adaptive shotgun platform that lets the user transform the FLEX 500/590 shotgun using Mossberg’s new Tool-less Locking System (TLS).
The TLS has a specific selection of quick change stocks, forends, and recoil pads that make for a wide flexibility to adapt the configuration of the shotgun to a particular use, from hunting game to tactical applications. The additional ability to change the shotgun’s barrel completes the gun’s metamorphosis.
The TLS uses a rotating clamp and splined hub to secure a stock or pistol grip. The shotgun’s forend is released with a single plunge button. Barrel replacement is compatible to the existing 500/590 selection of shotgun barrels with the standard screw lock. Finally, the recoil pads can be changed with a simple twisting motion.
Caligiuri deftly transforms a turkey gun into a tactical shotgun, with pistol grip stock and stand-off-tipped short barrel, in 59 seconds by my watch. That was with him giving us a play by play while he did it. Pretty impressive.
From Mossberg:
Mossberg® Introduces the FLEX™ System Shotguns
A Tool-Less Modular Shotgun and Accessory System that Changes the Future
North Haven, CT – Flexible, versatile and virtually limitless for fit, style and application. Wouldn’t everyone want a gun that is flexible enough to fit that description? Now with the innovative, patented and patent-pending Mossberg FLEX Series modular shotgun and accessory system, your Mossberg 500® or 590® pump-action shotgun can be that gun; easily converted in seconds without the need for tools. From a rugged tactical platform to a foul-weather hunting tool to a compact home defense gun, you can FLEX YOUR MOSSBERG!
At the core of this unique, adaptive system is the patented and patent-pending TLS™ (Tool-less Locking System), a series of three connectors that allow stocks, forends and recoil pads to be switched for a variety of shooting applications or easily “custom fit” your Mossberg, regardless of the shooter’s stature. Eleven 500/590 FLEX 12-gauge shotgun base models and 16 FLEX accessory components will be offered initially. Adding to the versatility is Mossberg’s extensive line of 500/590 accessory barrels which are compatible with FLEX shotgun systems.
Start by choosing a FLEX shotgun base model from three 500 All-Purpose, four 500/590 Tactical and four 500 Hunting options; each with 12-gauge, 3-inch chambers. Select 500 FLEX All-Purpose and 500 FLEX Hunting shotguns feature Mossberg’s patent-pending LPA™ (Lightning Pump Action™) Adjustable Trigger System. This revolutionary trigger system, a first for pump-action shotguns, is user-adjustable from 3 to 8 pounds with an Allen wrench and provides a rifle-like, creep-free trigger pull.
FLEX All-Purpose models come with 26 or 28-inch vent rib, ACCU-CHOKE™ ported barrels with matte metal finishes or optional all-weather Marinecote™ finish; full-length synthetic stock fit with our medium recoil pad (14 ½-inch LOP); and standard synthetic forend. Both constructed of durable synthetic with black matte finish. FLEX 500/590 Tactical models are available with matte, OD Green and Coyote Tan finishes on barrels and receivers; tactical tri-rail forends which can accommodate a touchpad; stock options that include standard synthetic (14 ½-inch LOP), six-position adjustable tactical or pistol grip; and cylinder bore 18 ½-inch stand-off barrel or 20-inch barrel with 6-round total capacity or 9-round total capacity with the 590 Tactical. FLEX Hunting models are available with 24 or 28-inch vent rib barrels and choice of OD Green, Coyote Tan, Mossy Oak® Break-Up® Infinity™ or Realtree MAX-4® camo receiver finishes. Standard full-length stocks and forends feature Infinity or MAX-4 finishes as well. Now that you have selected your base model, it’s easy to FLEX YOUR MOSSBERG!
Without tools, your FLEX shotgun can easily be purpose-built with a wide range of Mossberg accessories that feature the TLS connector system. These include three recoil pads (3/4-inch, 1 ¼-inches and 1 ½-inches thick); four synthetic forends (three standard and one tactical tri-rail); and nine stock options. Choose from our standard full-length stocks with 12 ½, 13 ½ and 14 ¼-inch LOPs; pistol grip; six-position adjustable tactical stock; and four-position adjustable, dual-comb hunting stock. Forends and stocks feature black matte, Break-Up Infinity and MAX-4 finishes. Your options are endless with this modular system.
Don’t forget that at the core of this system is the legendary 500/590 pump-action platform with its field proven design featuring non-binding twin action bars; positive steel-to-steel lock-up and anti-jam elevator for smooth, reliable operation; anodized aluminum receiver; and universally-recognized ambidextrous top-mounted safety. The base platform of this ultimate, adaptive shotgun is rugged, reliable and comes with a ten-year limited warranty.