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For the Shepherds and Watchdogs

Rossignol said:
Folks, bear with me as I tie a few things together. I'll try and go in order.

Ok, there was a State of the Union Address in which Obama said he like to consolidate the powers of the federal government to the executive branch. This can be found on youtube, and I personally have posted transcripts and links to validate information.

The NDAA "indefinite detention of terror suspects" legislation is passed with the fiscal year 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The language makes it possible to detain indefinitely and without trial, people(s) suspected of terrorism including American citizens on US soil. Such people can be held until "the end of hostilities" even in foreign prisons. (documented here)

The recent DHS (Department of Homeland Security) reports defines terrorists, suspicion of terrorism, and potential terrorists (I'm paraphrasing) to include everyday people like you and me doin everyday stuff. (also documented here)

Included in the report, the MIAC is described (and verified) as having distributed to law enforcement agencies literature to better help LEO's identify potential terrorism. (documented here)

Such things as prefering privacy, a sense of nationalism and viewing the US as a sovereign nation and being concerned about the US's loss of sovereignty to a foreign entity, being suspicious of centralized federal govt, big govt., small govt advocates, prefering liberty and personal freedoms, Christian groups and anti-abortion advocates (right to lifers), prefering to purchase with cash rather than a card... all are included in the new definitions. The DHS's "See Something, Say Something" campaign encourages folks to be vigilant and watch for this kind of activity and to point these deviants out to authorities. I kid you not, we have these posters in our municipal building.

Obama is undoing the work of the Clinton administration by no longer requiring folks on welfare to seek gainful employment. Currently somewhere in the area of 49% of the population receives some kind of aid. I dont take issue with that. I understand bein down and bein backed up a gainst a wall. But dont give in, dont give up your drive desire and ambition for greatness! Dont let the govt take that from you!

D-Day For Gun Control
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton will be signing the UN treaty, the Arms Trade Agreement (ATT) on July 27th. This doesnt not have to be ratified by a 2/3 vote. Not if its never brough up for vote in the senate. It has to do with the US be a signatory to another organization, like the Geneva Convention but the name escapes me and I cant find it on Dick Morris' site right now. I apologize, that isnt like me... Anyhow, once signed, its effective and remains in effect until voted down, but if it isnt brought up for a vote in the senate, it cant be voted down. If it gets sent through during the lame duck session after elections, it will supercede our own Constitution. It acts as an ammendment.

So lets start connecting the dots. Obama has long since been an anti-gun guy and has admitted to thinkin no one should own a gun. How do you control an unruly population (especially given what the founding fathers of this country believed)? You have to take their firearms. You can also control speech and silence them by identifying them as radicals and terrorists then rounding them up and sending them off to prison camps. You can keep most of the people loyal and happy just by providing for them, food and shelter... govt welfare.

The lessons of history are available to us and I have said before and detailed communism, nazism, and fascism. I've said there has to be an enemy (often its the wealthy, rich, capitalists), education has to be controlled, there can be no God, and the populace has to be disarmed.

Can anyone say they havent seen all of these things happening?

well stated .....and with that you just made the list....and so did I for that matter
Yes, youre right. All of you.

Heres something else I'll mention. Its something else I've said before, but I heard someone mention the proletariat of the Soviet Union today and it reminded me of this.

Remember history class? (the abridged version) The Marxists of Russia led the revolt against those they called the Capitalists and Aristocrats. Much of it had to do with the slaughter of Bloody Sunday. Unarmed citizens were massacred during the time of Czar Nicki. Protestors were on their way to deliver a petition to Nicki. This began a time that culminated in the Bolshevic Revolution, which gained steam after Russia suffered heavy losses during WWI. The Bolsheviks, such as the exiled Marxist Lenin, transformed Russia from an empire to the communist nation. They were the "Proletariat", the workers party.

So lets back up. What does socialism/communism/fascism have to have to take root? An enemy. Who was the enemy of the proletariat? The Capitalist and aristocrats. (The rich and wealthy who believe in and support free market enterprise or, capitalism) Sound familiar? Who were the proletariat? The Workers Party, or middle class???

Furthermore, when did capitalism become a dirty word, how long has capitalism been a bad word and such a stigmatism? When did it become a good thing to punish wealth and prosperity? When did people begin punishing the motivated and driven among us?

And when was the last time someone ran their campaign on raising taxes on the "rich"?

Anyone else able to see the similarities here? Has anyone ever read transcripts of Brezhnev? Weird how eerily similar some of the language is.
MikeD said:
Translation: I need more power to execute the plan that I have for America.

Translation of the Translation: I need more power to execute America.

How does the left get away with straight up lies?

Most recent example which comes to mind;
In a speech on monday I believe, Obama said its republicans who are responsible for wanting to cut defense spending.

I nearly drove the car off the road and into a respectably deep ditch yesterday morning when I heard the audio. It was a similar response to "You didnt build that".

When no one stands up (republicans in the senate and in congress) and calls him on the lies, their silence makes it all seem true or complicit.