• Mossberg Owners is in the process of upgrading the software. Please bear with us while we transition to the new look and new upgraded software.

Just a few thoughts

You know TheRude1, there is probably a way you can screen-shot these from your phone so they look a little better when you post them. I don't know what kind of phone you have but on my Samsung Galaxy I have to hold the center button and on/off button simultaneously to get a screen-shot. Then I just use a USB cable to download the pics to my computer. I'll create a folder such as "S5 091321" and copy all the pics into it.

I don't save ANYTHING in the cloud and all my shit stays turned off such as data, wifi and location. My cousin on the other hand, felates gugle and his new phone is constantly back and forth with them regarding stored pics and contacts, websites he's visited, places he's been, etc... NO THANK YOU!