A belated welcome to the forum Gentech.
And a belated thank you meanstreak.A belated welcome to the forum Gentech.
I've bid on several, just have not "pulled the trigger" on one at $650.00 plus. Might have to do so if I ever want one...sigh!I just got a 590 Shockwave on GunBroker. Great transaction. The seller has 6 and a "Buy It Now" option. I didn't want to pay $1k for a Shockwave via run away auction.
Hey folks,
I've had a Shockwave "on order" for almost 3 months now. I've read that they will not be available for 3-6 months from now. I'm in the market for one now if anyone knows of where one might find it...at a reasonable price...Or should I simply move on to something else?
Hey folks,
I've had a Shockwave "on order" for almost 3 months now. I've read that they will not be available for 3-6 months from now. I'm in the market for one now if anyone knows of where one might find it...at a reasonable price...Or should I simply move on to something else?
Yeah, Gunbroker is pretty crazy these days...thanks for the offer, I'll hang on a while longer...There is no such thing as a new Shockwave at a "reasonable price" right now. Check out Gunbroker and see that.
PM me if you want to know where an 18.5", barrel shielded, crash device barrel ended, pistol grip Mossberg Maverick 88 can be found right now. It's birthday was long ago, has a newly painted receiver, has been completely gone through by a genuine gunsmith with new pins and screws installed, dis-assembled and cleaned and lubed properly. It has a much smoother action than my newish Shockwave and shoots about the same (I've shot both on the same day). Lots of bang for the buck and ready now. There ya go and I know where it can be found.
Anyone in the Atlanta area, Adventure Outdoors just got 115 Shockwaves in Thursday. 440.00 cash.
Screw it, I went the GB route and will receive it next Monday...
HaHa, yeah...exactly! I'll cut back on my Single Barrel for a few weeks...Sometimes that's the best answer just to get it off of mind.
Anyone in the Atlanta area, Adventure Outdoors just got 115 Shockwaves in Thursday. 440.00 cash. I bought one yesterday and they said they won't last long. My box had a manufacture date of 9/01/2020 on it. I called 10 gun shops and all said they had open orders but no word from Mossburg.
Yeah, that is what I paid for mine on auction a few months back. Thanks!!Noticed today that PSA has 12ga Shockwaves advertised for $599.
https://palmettostatearmory.com/mossberg-590-shockwave-12ga-shotgun-50659.html?trk_msg=BQ9NJDVRTSBKR3AJEA9QG56FEK&trk_contact=D4F2QO9LM1UU468JBRI0D4HLL4&trk_sid=9D6KP47UBPF046S1D4GVB4P3R4&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=SHOP NOW&utm_campaign=Daily Deal Email&utm_content=12:00 Email
While high, I assume that's the street price these days.
I’m up in Mid-Michigan and just picked one up from our local sports store for $350. Based on prices I’ve been seeing I’m starting to think that was a hell of a deal.