I don't know they look sloppily made to me and the small peep looks like crap in the pictures.
Back up sights are your go to , for sure, going to work when everything has failed sights.
Save your money and buy a proper set.
Also one of the few reasons I do not like the Magpul and all the Magpul knock offs if the front sight wings.
If they are just straight like that it isn't as intuitive for your minds eye to center the front post in the rear peep, Magpul cants them in a little trying to get the HK effect but sucky.
Not only do they protect the front post, they flare out so your eye/brain naturally wants to put them in the widest part of the peep....it happens without trying.
The other option I like and would accept it the round front sight protection aka HK style front sight. You brain wants to center a circle in a circle without your thinking about doing it as well.
the plastic vs. metal is just my personal opinion, the shape of the front sight is a scientific fact.
Shooting at the range......most ninjas don't have a problem but fast acquisition , moving targets and stress the proper sights are faster and more natural in the eye brain relationship
Back up sights are your go to , for sure, going to work when everything has failed sights.
Save your money and buy a proper set.
Also one of the few reasons I do not like the Magpul and all the Magpul knock offs if the front sight wings.
If they are just straight like that it isn't as intuitive for your minds eye to center the front post in the rear peep, Magpul cants them in a little trying to get the HK effect but sucky.
Not only do they protect the front post, they flare out so your eye/brain naturally wants to put them in the widest part of the peep....it happens without trying.
The other option I like and would accept it the round front sight protection aka HK style front sight. You brain wants to center a circle in a circle without your thinking about doing it as well.
the plastic vs. metal is just my personal opinion, the shape of the front sight is a scientific fact.
Shooting at the range......most ninjas don't have a problem but fast acquisition , moving targets and stress the proper sights are faster and more natural in the eye brain relationship