That policeman was a professional. She had some ok questions at first but 90% of what she said and asked was to the wrong person. I'd like to think that no officer of the law would participate in a confiscation but I know that's not reality.
Well there is always two sides to that coin......If there is armed resistance in CT it won't stay there. It will spread. The Feds will get involved. It will get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live thru it.
Gunny, it would certainly be ugly. Civil War II. Maybe this time the shot heard round the world will be some poor guy in CT that has just had enough and won't surrender the 2nd amendment.
whatever man, stay on the losing team, I plan to win
thanks Gunny, we are going to need you if it goes down.....and your right failure is always an option
I don't see the American Patriot surrendering their arms. Perhaps the die is cast and we just don't know it yet. Time will tell if they try to confiscate guns in CT or elsewhere. Maybe instead of out "Remember The Alomo" our call will be "Remember Connecticut". If someone volunteers their gun to confiscation, knowing what we know about that leading to shackles, it probably just as well to weed them out now. They'd just get in the way anyhow.
If something ever goes down their is no telling where the outcome would lead. It certainly could lead to bad places but I think I'll place my money on the outcome Oli described. Live Free or Die.
I hear you Gunny. I guess history lets the winner declare who the Patriot is Gunny. I think most progressives/liberals would cringe at being called a Patriot. It seems to me they more think of themselves as citizens of the world. The worst of them are embarrassed to be called "American" and I despise them for it.
I tip my Friday night beer and say cheers to the Patriots in CT.