Great point and from another HD point of view, who wants to only have 2 shots??? Not me!massmanute said:From a home defense point of view, how detrimental does everyone feel the limitation is where the gun can't fire when pointing down at an angle greater than ~45 degrees?
ComradeHarii said:Boom, boom, cover, reload and repeat!!!
2 shots should be more enough.
Reload time aren't that long and the noise alone will alert the whole neighborhood.
Simplicity of it. You know what you have loaded - so you can plan accordingly.
Just got mine and I'm loving it.
It dose have an lock out about 45%.
My brother likes shoot it more than his pump.
Wonder if you can put an pistol grip and adjustable stock on it?
I understand that at one point Mossberg/Maverick quit putting the lower rail on the HS12 over/under.
Question: Does the current version of the HS12 have the a picatinny rail under the lower barrel?
I actually like that a lot !!